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Top Financial Advisors in Scottsdale, AZ

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Finding a Top Financial Advisor Firm in Scottsdale, Arizona

Although it’s a relatively small city, Scottsdale, Arizona has many financial advisor firms to choose from. To guide you in your search, SmartAsset has created a comprehensive review of the top financial advisor firms in Scottsdale. Below, you can compare each firm’s account minimums, investing strategies and fees to figure out which firm is right for you. To find a financial advisor, use SmartAsset’s free matching tool to pick between up to three advisors who serve your area.

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Rank Financial Advisor Assets Managed Minimum Assets Financial Services More Information
1 Trajan Wealth, LLC Trajan Wealth, LLC logo Find an Advisor

Read Review

$1,365,393,876 No set account minimum
  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Selection of other advisors
  • Educational seminars

Minimum Assets

No set account minimum

Financial Services

  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Selection of other advisors
  • Educational seminars
2 Stoker Ostler Stoker Ostler logo Find an Advisor

Read Review

$2,165,479,31 $500,000
  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Educational seminars

Minimum Assets


Financial Services

  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Educational seminars
3 Total Investment Management, Inc. Total Investment Management, Inc. logo Find an Advisor

Read Review

$1,196,259,533 No set account minimum
  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Selection of other advisors (including private fund managers)
  • Publication of periodicals

Minimum Assets

No set account minimum

Financial Services

  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Selection of other advisors (including private fund managers)
  • Publication of periodicals
4 Ironwood Investment Counsel, LLC Ironwood Investment Counsel, LLC logo Find an Advisor

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$1,400,440,770 $500,000
  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Selection of other advisors (including private fund managers)

Minimum Assets


Financial Services

  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Selection of other advisors (including private fund managers)
5 Galvin, Gaustad & Stein, LLC Galvin, Gaustad & Stein, LLC logo Find an Advisor

Read Review

$1,191,853,438 $500,000
  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Pension consulting
  • Selection of other advisors (including private fund managers)

Minimum Assets


Financial Services

  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Pension consulting
  • Selection of other advisors (including private fund managers)
6 TMD Wealth Management TMD Wealth Management logo Find an Advisor

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$794,838,000 $750,000
  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Pension consulting
  • Selection of other advisors
  • Educational seminars
  • Credit and cash management solutions

Minimum Assets


Financial Services

  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Pension consulting
  • Selection of other advisors
  • Educational seminars
  • Credit and cash management solutions
7 DEW Wealth Management DEW Wealth Management logo Find an Advisor

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$250,583,013 None
  • Financial planning
  • Retirement consulting
  • Investment management

Minimum Assets


Financial Services

  • Financial planning
  • Retirement consulting
  • Investment management
8 Balboa Wealth Partners, Inc. Balboa Wealth Partners, Inc. logo Find an Advisor

Read Review

$469,070,563 $250,000
  • Asset management
  • Portfolio management
  • Financial planning
  • Retirment planning

Minimum Assets


Financial Services

  • Asset management
  • Portfolio management
  • Financial planning
  • Retirment planning
9 Fortitude Family Office Fortitude Family Office logo Find an Advisor

Read Review

$196,346,148 No minimum account size
  • Financial planning services
  • Portfolio management
  • Selection of other advisors
  • Family office and wealth management services
  • Business management
  • Philanthropic services

Minimum Assets

No minimum account size

Financial Services

  • Financial planning services
  • Portfolio management
  • Selection of other advisors
  • Family office and wealth management services
  • Business management
  • Philanthropic services
10 Capital Insight Partners, LLC Capital Insight Partners, LLC logo Find an Advisor

Read Review

$601,127,485 No set account minimum
  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Pension consulting
  • Selection of other advisors
  • Investment counseling

Minimum Assets

No set account minimum

Financial Services

  • Financial planning
  • Portfolio management
  • Pension consulting
  • Selection of other advisors
  • Investment counseling

What We Use in Our Methodology

To find the top financial advisors in Scottsdale, we first identified all firms registered with the SEC in the city. Next, we filtered out firms that don't offer financial planning services, those that don't serve primarily individual clients and those that have disclosures on their record. The qualifying firms were then ranked according to the following criteria:

  • AUM
    Firms with more total assets under management are ranked higher.
  • Individual Client Count
    Firms who serve more individual clients (as opposed to institutional clients) are ranked higher.
  • Clients Per Advisor
    Firms with a lower ratio of clients per financial advisor are ranked higher.
  • Age of Firm
    Firms that have been in business longer are ranked higher.
  • Fee Structure
    Firms with a fee-only (as opposed to fee-based) compensation structure are ranked higher.

All information is obtained through public records and is updated once per year following the firms' filing of their amendment to Form ADV at the end of March. This list may include firms that have a business relationship with SmartAsset, in which SmartAsset is compensated for lead referrals. Such relationships have no impact on our rankings, and firms are included and ranked based strictly on the above criteria. SmartAsset is not a client of the aforementioned firms, and did not receive compensation for including any of the firms on the aforementioned list.

Trajan Wealth

Trajan Wealth's advisory services should be fairly accessible to most clients, as the firm does not have a minimum account size for new clients. In turn, the vast majority of the firm's client base is comprised of non-high-net-worth individuals, with a handful of high-net-worth individuals rounding it out.

Certain on-staff advisors at Trajan can earn commissions when they sell insurance products. Although this creates a potential conflict of interest, the fee-based firm is bound by fiduciary duty to act in clients' best interests.

The advisory staff at this firm has a rather robust set of certifications. These include three certified financial planners (CFPs), two certified wealth strategists (CWSs), one certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA), one accredited investment fiduciary (AIF) and certified financial educator (CFEd).

Trajan Wealth Background

Trajan Wealth was formed in 2010 under the name Valley Financial Wealth Management, LLC. But in 2011, the firm changed its name to what it currently is. The firm's founder and CEO, Jeff Junior, still principally owns the firm.

This firm works to integrate investment and financial planning services into a single offering called asset management. This involves investment planning and portfolio creation, retirement planning, tax planning, insurance review, cash flow management, estate planning and more.

Trajan Wealth Investment Strategy

Before making any investment decisions on your behalf, Trajan Wealth will gather intel on the type of investor you are. This will involve looking into your short- and long-term financial goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, income needs and more. Based on these insights, the firm will recommend a personalized asset allocation.

The firm is technically open to any investment, but it tends to invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), annuities and cash. Depending on your situation, cash holdings may occupy a small or large percentage of your overall asset allocation.

Stoker Ostler

Stoker Ostler is a fee-only firm that works with almost 1,000 clients, almost all of whom are individuals with and without a high net worth. The firm also works with a handful of charitable organizations.

The advisory staff at this firm includes certified financial planners (CFPs), chartered financial analysts (CFAs) and other advisory designations. In order to work with these advisors and the firm at large, you'll need at least $500,000 in investable assets, which is one of the highest minimums on this list. The firm may decide to reduce this requirement, though.

Stoker Ostler Background

Stoker Ostler has been in business for more than two decades, as it was established in 1997. The firm is wholly owned subsidiary of BMO Financial Corp., a large bank based in Canada. The firm is led by chief investment officer (CIO) Michael Bolar, managing director Michelle Decker and director Michael Halls.

Services at this firm include investment management and financial planning. Financial planning can cover issues like tax planning, risk management, goal planning and more.

Stoker Ostler Investing Strategy

Stoker Ostler believes in creating investment portfolio plans specifically built for their clients. In turn, the firm will heavily take into account your personal needs and situation when investing your assets. This involves formulating an investment policy statement (IPS) that details your risk tolerance, time horizon, short- and long-term goals, income needs and more.

There are few investment types that Stoker Ostler isn't open to under the right circumstances. For instance, the firm may invest in some combination of stocks, fixed-income securities, alternative investments and real estate investment trusts (REITs).

Total Investment Management

Total Investment Management is a fee-based financial advisor firm that serves a niche group: aviation professionals. The firm caters to commercial and military pilots, flight attendants and anyone else with an occupation directly related to flying. Total Investment Management does not require a set account minimum, but rather a $600 minimum annual fee. The firm's clients are mostly non-high-net-worth individuals, with high-net-worth individuals also making up a large part of its client base.

The firm has one of the most varied combinations of advisor certifications on this list. The team includes three certified financial planners (CFPs), one chartered financial analyst (CFA), one accredited investment fiduciary (AIF) and one chartered market technician (CMT).

This firm offers clients insurance and its advisors may make commissions from these sales. However, Total Investment Management is a fiduciary, so it is legally bound to act in your best interest at all times.

Total Investment Management Background

John Edward Foster II and his son, Todd Michael Foster, are the principal owners of Total Investment Management. The independent firm was initially founded in 1998.

The firm offers three main tiers of investment management: TIM Basic, TIM Portfolio and TIM Premier. Here's how they work:

The TIM Basic portfolio is intended for clients who have employer-sponsored retirement plans, and is centered around mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Far more retirement accounts are covered when you move to the TIM Portfolio, including IRAs, trusts and individual/joint accounts. For TIM Premier members, everything above is included, in addition to quarterly and annual check-in calls from your advisor, insurance analysis, estate planning and Social Security optimization.

Total Investment Management Strategy

To determine exactly how it will invest a client’s assets, Total Investment Management uses two types of analysis: fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis refers to a strategic examination of the overall financial health of a company, as well as the market risks that could negatively or positively affect the future of that company. Technical analysis is focused on spotting trends to predict where the market could be headed.

The firm determines your asset allocation mix and diversification in an attempt to satisfy your financial goals within your desired time horizon. The firm actively manages your investments, as it believes this is the best way to find outperforming stocks. Your account will be rebalanced if your allocated assets fall out of their predetermined percentages.

Ironwood Investment Counsel

Ironwood Investment Counsel is a fee-only firm that offers the services of investment advisory, retirement plan consulting and more. The minimum account size to work with the firm is generally $500,000 or more but there is no worries about a potential conflict of interest because the firm doesn't receive any commissions outside of their typical fee. 

Ironwood Investment Counsel Background

The firm was founded in 2001 and is currently owned by Bruce C. Williams and Matthew J. Carter. The firm currently has 13 financial advisors and collectively they manage more than $1 billion in assets under management (AUM). The firm's advisors have earned a number of certifications including the certified financial planner (CFP), chartered financial analyst (CFA) and more. 

Ironwood Investment Counsel Investment Strategy

Ironwood's investment strategy varies based on each individual client's needs. The risk assessment is very important during the process of finding the right long-term plan for each client. Main strategies include long-term and short-term purchases as well as a variety of trading opportunities. These are fundamental investment strategies but each has it's own unique risks and limitations. 

Galvin, Gaustad & Stein

Galvin, Gaustad & Stein (GGS) is a fee-based financial advisor firm. To open an account with the firm, you’ll need at least $500,000 in assets. The firm’s typical clients include non-high-net-worth individuals, high-net-worth individuals, pension and profit-sharing plans and large and small businesses.

Out of the financial advisors who work in the firm’s office, there are four chartered financial analysts (CFAs), three certified financial planners (CFPs), one advisor with a certificate in investment performance measurement (CIPM) and one chartered life underwriter (CLU).

This firm’s advisors also act as insurance agents and may earn commissions from certain related sales. But, like all the firms on this list, GGS is a fiduciary, which means it must act in your best interest at all times.

Galvin, Gaustad & Stein Background

Established in 2010, Galvin, Gaustad & Stein is one of the youngest firms on this list. GGS is independently owned by founders Stephen Gaustad, Stephen Galvin and Mark Stein. The trio has decades of experience between them in the financial services space.

Investment management, financial planning and retirement plan services are the firm’s three primary focuses. 

Galvin, Gaustad & Stein Strategy

Galvin, Gaustad & Stein goes through a three-step process to ensure that it makes the right investment decisions regarding your assets. This process begins with a proprietary research-based screening of the various stocks currently available. Next, your advisor will take a deep dive into estimates on where the stock’s price is headed and how that can affect your future returns. Lastly, the firm narrows down the remaining choices based off of which one has the fewest red flags and the strongest revenue growth.

The firm ultimately selects your investments based on your personal financial goals and risk profile. Depending on your financial situation, GGS will diversify your money throughout major asset classes like exchange-traded funds (ETFs), stocks and bonds.

TMD Wealth Management

TMD Wealth Management is a fee-based financial advisor firm that calls for a minimum of $750,000 in investable assets to open an account. The firm says it serves "business owners, corporate executives, professional athletes and similarly affluent clients." 

Sixƒ members of this firm’s staff currently hold the distinction of being a certified financial planner (CFP). TMD also boasts one chartered financial consultant (ChFC).

Insurance may be offered to clients of this firm. While sales may result in commissions for the firm’s advisors, remember that this firm is a fiduciary, meaning it therefore must act in your best interest.

TMD Wealth Management Background

One of the longest tenured firms on this list, TMD Wealth Management was founded in 1994 by Todd Douma, the firm’s current CEO. As a group, the firm's advisors have an average of around 20 years’ experience in asset management and personal finance. Today, the firm is indirectly owned by Focus Financial, making it a part of its network of firms.

Retirement planning is the firm’s main focus. Cash flow management, tax minimization and estate planning round out its service offerings for individuals. TMD also offers pension consulting to retirement plans.

TMD Wealth Management Investing Strategy

TMD Wealth Management has pre-made portfolio models that it applies to its clients after learning about their current financial situation and desires for the future. The firm uses both active and passive investment management to try to capitalize on short-term gains, as well as the tried-and-true method of safe, long-term investing.

Unlike most of its competitors, TMD sometimes uses alternative investments. The firm uses pooled investments, private equity, oil and gas partnerships, real estate and hard money lending. But pooled investments might be the most utilized of that group, as the firm consistently pools its clients’ assets to give lower-net-worth individuals the chance to invest in more prestigious markets.

Dew Wealth Management

Dew Wealth Management offers a comprehensive range of financial services, primarily focusing on investment management. Clients can opt for discretionary or non-discretionary investment management services, with the flexibility to combine these services with various other offerings. These additional services may cover a broad spectrum, including financial planning and consulting. For clients seeking standalone financial planning and consulting, DEW Wealth Management provides services encompassing both investment and non-investment matters, such as estate planning and insurance planning. The fees for standalone engagements are negotiable, typically ranging from $1,000 to $20,000 on a fixed fee basis, or $300 to $750 on an hourly rate basis, depending on the complexity and extent of the services required. There is no minimum account requirement to get started. 

Dew Wealth Management Background

Dew Wealth Management was founded in 1999 and is currently owned by Dew Holdings, Inc. The firm currently has 21 advisors who collectively manage more than $250 million in assets under management (AUM). Those advisors have earned a number of certifications such as the CFP, CEPA, CIMA and more. 

Dew Wealth Management Investment Strategy

The firm's investment strategy focuses on long and short-term purchases and socially responsible investing. However, the firm's advisors work with each individual client to assess their specific needs and craft a strategy that will fit with them. 

Balboa Wealth Partners

Balboa Wealth Partners' clients have the flexibility to choose between discretionary and non-discretionary investment advisory services on a fee-only basis. The annual investment advisory fee, negotiable within the range of 0.50% to 1.00%, is determined as a percentage of the market value of assets under the Registrant's management. Before engaging in services, clients are required to sign an Investment Advisory Agreement outlining the terms and conditions, including the scope of services and the applicable fee. 

In addition to investment advisory services, the Registrant also specializes in retirement plan consulting. Serving as a 3(21) and 3(38) advisor, the Registrant assists sponsors of self-directed retirement plans in selecting and monitoring investment alternatives, typically open-end mutual funds. This service extends to providing participant education upon request, aiding individuals in identifying suitable investment strategies for their retirement plan accounts. The engagement terms and conditions for retirement plan consulting services are generally outlined in a separate agreement, ensuring transparency and clarity for all parties involved.

Balboa Wealth Management Background

Balboa Wealth Management was founded in 2015 and is currently owned by Jeffrey Gilbert, who serves as the firm's President and Chief Compliance Officer. The firm has offices in both Arizona and California and currently has 21 advisors who collectively manage more than $460 million in assets under management (AUM). 

Balboa Wealth Management Investment Strategy

The firm's advisors work closely with clients to ascertain their investment objectives, followed by ongoing monitoring, review of account performance, and asset allocation adjustments as needed to align with client investment goals. The primary investment strategies include long-term purchases, short-term purchases, and trading. 

Fortitude Family Office

Fortitude Family Office is a fee-only firm working with only individual clients -- and just over a dozen clients at that, the majority of whom qualify as high-net-worth. There are no institutional clients to speak of at Fortitude.

The firm is fee-only, so advisors do not earn commissions. Fees for asset management are based on a percentage of assets under management, while hourly and fixed fees may also be charged. There is no minimum account size.

Fortitude does not have a list of advisor certifications available.

Fortitude Family Office Background

Fortitude was founded in 2021 and is principally owned by Matthew Walker, through a holding company.

Services offered include wealth management, financial planning, retirement planning, education savings, cash flow management, debt reduction, estate planning, insurance needs, risk mitigation, tax planning, charitable giving and financial goal tracking.

Fortitude Family Office Investment Strategy

Nearly two-thirds of all money managed by Fortitude is invested in individual stocks. Nearly a quarter is put into mutual funds. The rest is split between bonds, pooled investment vehicles and cash holdings.

Capital Insight Partners

Capital Insight Partners, LLC is a fee-based financial advisor firm. Across its individual-centric advisory team, four are four chartered financial analysts (CFAs), one certified financial planner (CFP) and one accredited investment fiduciary (AIF). Unlike some of its competition on this list, Capital Insight does not require a specific minimum initial investment.

This firm is mostly focused on working with high-net-worth and non-high-net-worth individuals. However, its advisors also work with a variety of retirement plans.

Certain members of the advisory staff at Capital Insight Partners are licensed to sell insurance products or securities for an extra commission. This has the potential to cause a conflict of interest, which the firm mitigates by being a fiduciary, legally binding it to act in clients' best interests.

Capital Insight Partners Background

Prior to forming Capital Insight Partners, co-founders Susan Anastasiadis and Steven Nelson worked together at Merrill Lynch in Scottsdale. Nelson has worked in the financial advisor space for about 30 years, while Anastasiadis' experience level sits around 20 years. Nelson and Anastasiadis are the principal owners of the firm.

Financial planning is the clear centerpiece of Capital Insight's advisory services. This is based around a comprehensive ideology, as the firm can provide budgeting, estate planning, retirement planning, business planning, insurance analysis, investment management and planning, tax management and more.

Capital Insight Partners Investing Strategy

Many of Capital Insight Partners' investment decisions are based on a long-term strategy that looks to avoid the pitfalls of stock-picking and other risky investment moves. Despite this affinity, the firm's advisors are not opposed to additionally utilizing short-term purchases to try and take advantage of riskier securities. Prior to employing this type of philosophy, the firm will project the tax implications it could have on your portfolio. Should they remain too great to realize a true profit, your advisor may stick to long-term strategies.

How Long $1mm Lasts in Retirement

SmartAsset's interactive map highlights places where $1 million will last the longest in retirement. Zoom between states and the national map to see the top spots in each region. Also, scroll over any city to learn about the cost of living in retirement for that location.

Rank City Housing Expenses Food Expenses Healthcare Expenses Utilities Expenses Transportation Expenses

Methodology We analyzed data on average expenditures for seniors, cost of living and investment returns to determine how many years of retirement a $1 million nest egg would cover in cities across America.

First, we looked at data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on the average annual expenditures of seniors. We then applied cost of living data from the Council for Community and Economic Research to adjust those national average spending levels based on the costs of each expense category (housing, food, healthcare, utilities, transportation and other) in each city. Using this data, SmartAsset calculated the average cost of living for retirees in the largest U.S. cities.

We assumed the $1 million would grow at a real return (interest minus inflation) of 2%. Then, we divided $1 million by the sum of each of those annual numbers to determine how long $1 million would cover retirement expenses in each of the cities in our study. Cities where $1 million lasted the longest ranked the highest in the study.

Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Council for Community and Economic Research