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What Income Reduces Social Security Benefits?


Earning income while receiving Social Security benefits can impact the amount you receive, but only under specific circumstances. The Social Security Administration (SSA) may reduce benefits for individuals who claim them before reaching full retirement age and continue to work. However, this reduction applies only to earned income from employment or self-employment—other sources of income, such as dividends, interest, and capital gains from investments, are not factored into the calculation. Understanding these rules can help individuals make informed decisions about working while collecting Social Security.

If you’ve got questions about working while getting Social Security benefits consult a financial advisor for expert guidance.

Earning While Receiving Social Security Benefits

Opting to receive Social Security retirement or survivor’s benefits does not mean you can’t get income from other sources. Extra money from a part-time job or investments can help stretch a Social Security check and make retirement more comfortable.

However, people who opt to receive benefits before reaching full retirement ageage 67 for people born in 1960 or later – can only earn so much each year before Social Security starts reducing their benefits. The earnings cap is adjusted for inflation. For 2025, it is $23,400.

Once annual earnings reach the cap amount, for every $2 a Social Security recipient under retirement age earns from working, the total annual benefit gets reduced by $1. For instance, say a recipient gets $1,000 a month in benefits and starts a part-time job that pays $25,000 a year. Subtracting $23,400 from $20,000 yields $1,600. Dividing $1,600 by 2 gives $800. This is the amount by which Social Security will reduce the annual benefit.

People can earn $62,160 before reaching full retirement age without affecting their benefits. And the amount of reduction is also just $1 for every $3 earned over the cap.

In addition, income only counts against the cap until the month before full retirement age is reached. This means a person who reaches full retirement in November after earning $62,160 during the first 10 months of the year would have no reduction in benefits.

After full retirement age, there is no cap on earnings. A recipient can earn any amount without affecting their benefits. This starts with the month a Social Security recipient reaches full retirement age. So the recipient in the above example would continue to receive full benefits after reaching full retirement age in November, no matter how much he or she earns.

How Specific Income Sources Impact Social Security

Senior woman working in a grocery store

Not all income is equal when it comes to Social Security earnings caps. Generally, any income that comes from employment counts against the earnings cap. Here are examples of the kinds of income that count against the cap:

  • Wages and salary paid by an employer
  • Net income from self-employment
  • Bonuses
  • Commissions
  • Vacation pay

Income from sources other than working is not included. Some of the income sources that don’t affect Social Security benefits include:

Note that income earned before starting to receive Social Security does not count either. This could include stock options, back pay, bonuses and payments for unused vacation or sick leave. Even if these payments arrive after starting to receive benefits, they aren’t included against the cap as long as they were earned before benefits started.

More On Earning Income While Getting Benefits

If benefits get reduced because an underage Social Security recipient earns more than the cap amount, the money isn’t lost. It’s only delayed. After the recipient reaches full retirement age, Social Security will recalculate the benefit. The new benefit will be higher to make up for payments that were withheld because of excess earnings.

Sometimes, earning money while receiving Social Security can also increase your benefit amount. This can happen if, during a year you receive Social Security benefits, you earn enough money to make the year one of your highest earning years. Social Security calculates benefits based on a worker’s highest earning years. So adding a new high level to your earnings record could cause your benefit to increase.

There are different rules for people getting Social Security disability or Supplemental Security Income benefits. These people have to report all earnings to Social Security. In addition, people who earn money for working outside the U.S. are treated differently.

Keep in mind that Social Security uses an estimate for earnings during the coming year when calculating benefits. Recipients are expected to provide an earnings estimate to help the agency calculate benefits. If it appears that earnings will be different from the estimate, recipients are supposed to inform Social Security as soon as possible.

Bottom Line

Older man working on a farmSocial Security recipients who have reached full retirement age can earn as much as they want from any source without it affecting their benefits. However, those who start taking benefits before reaching full retirement age may have their benefits reduced if they earn above a certain amount. Some types of income don’t count against the cap. Those include dividends, interest and capital gains from investments, as well as pensions, annuities and some other sources.

Tips on Retirement

  • Picking the right time to start claiming Social Security benefits can have an outsized effect on a retiree’s financial comfort level. Using an experienced and qualified financial advisor increases the chances of making this decision well. Finding a qualified financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three financial advisors who serve your area, and you can interview your advisor matches at no cost to decide which one is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • The annual payment you receive from Social Security is based on your income, birth year and the age at which you elect to begin receiving benefits. Use this free calculator to get an estimate of what you’ve got coming in the way of benefits.

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