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How to Minimize Your Self-Employment Taxes


The self-employment (SE) tax is the equivalent of the payroll taxes paid by both regular employees and their employers. It’s the primary mechanism through which self-employed individuals, freelancers and independent contractors contribute to the Social Security and Medicare funds. At a combined rate of 15.3% on net earnings, the SE tax can take a significant bite out of a self-employed person’s income. In fact, for many, the SE tax can exceed their federal income tax obligations, underscoring the need for effective tax planning. If you’re looking for how to minimize self-employment taxes, a financial advisor can also help.

Understanding the Self-Employment Tax

The SE tax came into being in 1954 when Congress passed a law that subjected self-employed workers to the same tax requirements as the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) did in 1935. One difference is that the SE tax is twice as high as the withholding reported on employed workers’ paychecks. This is because self-employed workers are responsible for both halves of the FICA tax, paying 7.65% as the employee as well as another 7.65% as the employer. Breaking it down further, the total SE tax consists of 12.4% for Social Security and 2.9% for Medicare.

Who Is Subject to SE Tax?

Generally, any self-employed income, including tips, is subject to SE tax. There are some exceptions, however.

One exception is income over a certain level. Whether from self-employment or wages paid by an employer, some income is not subject to the 12.4% Social Security portion. The cap on Social Security tax generally increases every year. For 2024 it is $168,600, and for 2025 it will jump to $176,100.

There is no cap to exempt self-employment income over a certain level from the 2.9% Medicare tax. Indeed, since 2013, a provision of the Affordable Care Act levies an additional 0.9% on all incomes over $200,000, including self-employed income, if you are a single filer. (Or $250,000 if you file jointly.)

Another exception is that SE tax doesn’t apply at all unless self-employment earnings total over $400, or $108.28 if employed by a church. Passive income of any amount, such as from rental real estate, isn’t considered self-employment income, and isn’t subject to the SE tax. Corporate dividends are similarly exempt from the SE tax.

Other than these exclusions, self-employment income is generally subject to the SE tax. It’s not just for people who only have self-employment income, either. Full-time employees who have self-income from side gigs have to pay SE tax on that income if it’s over $400.

How to Reduce SE Taxes

A woman reviews how to minimize self-employment taxes.

One way to reduce SE taxes is to reduce the amount of taxable net income. SE taxes are generally paid by sole proprietors who file a Schedule C reporting income from their unincorporated businesses along with their personal federal income tax returns. To the extent taxpayers can reduce the amount of income reported on their Schedule Cs, they reduce the amount of taxable income subject to the SE tax.

With this in mind, claiming all allowable business deductions is a can’t-miss way to reduce SE taxes. Allowable business deductions for self-employed people may include the following:

  • Buying and using fixed assets like machinery
  • Expenses related to the use of a vehicle for business
  • Home office expenses
  • Outlays for advertising and inventory

After taking all allowable business deductions and reporting that income on their personal tax return, self-employed people can still reduce their taxable income by making contributions to retirement accounts. These accounts can include retirement accounts such as traditional IRAs, SEP-IRAs and 401(k) plans.

If the self-employed person is covered by a high-deductible health insurance plan, they may be able to contribute money to a health savings account. These contributions also reduce taxable income while allowing the self-employed person to withdraw money, again tax-free, to pay qualified medical expenses.

Change Business Structure

One of the most popular ways to avoid or limit SE tax is to change the business structure. All the income from a sole proprietorship is likely to be subject to the SE tax because the owner and business are essentially the same entity. Income from a business partnership is also reported on the owners’ personal returns and is subject to SE tax.

But if the business is incorporated as a regular C corp, S corp, limited liability corporation (LLC) or limited partnership, it’s possible to avoid paying SE taxes on at least some income from the business. This is because C corps, S corps and LLCs are entities separate from the owners. The entities pay taxes on net income at the corporate rate, but pay no SE taxes. Similarly, any dividends paid to the owners are not subject to SE taxes.

Corporation owners may have to pay themselves a reasonable salary, which will be subject to regular employment taxes, including both the employee and employer halves of FICA. However, after taking a reasonable salary, owners can choose to distribute any additional earnings of the corporation as dividends, on which no SE tax is owed.

Limited partners also can avoid paying SE tax on distributions from the partnership. However, if they are active in running the business, they run the risk of being categorized as general partners, who are subject to paying SE taxes on self-employment income from the partnership.

Bottom Line

A self-employed individual poses in their bike shop.

Self-employment tax of 15.3% is generally owed on any self-employment income. Self-employed taxpayers can reduce the amount of SE taxes they pay by taking allowable deductions to reduce business net income. They can also use retirement plan and health savings account contributions to reduce income subject to SE tax. And by creating a separate business entity such as a corporation or LLC, they can have some of the income from the business treated as a distribution that is not subject to SE tax.

Tips for Self-Employed Individuals

  • Managing and reducing self-employment taxes can produce sizable financial benefits if done right. But it can also be tricky. If you’re self-employed, consider talking this over with an experienced financial advisor. Finding the right financial advisor who fits your needs doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with financial advisors in your area in five minutes. If you’re ready to be matched with local advisors who will help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • Get organized. Tax season will be much less of a headache if you have all of your documents in order and a clear idea of how much you’ll owe, which you can determine with this federal income tax calculator.

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