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How to Create an Advance Healthcare Directive in Washington


An advance healthcare directive includes both a living will, which outlines your preferred medical treatments and a healthcare proxy, who is appointed to make decisions for you if you become incapacitated. The process to create one in Washington involves specific state documents and a notary. Additionally, medical costs should be considered in estate planning and included in any retirement plan as part of a long-term strategy. A financial advisor could help you create a plan based on your specific needs.

How an Advance Healthcare Directive Works in Washington

In Washington, the advance healthcare directive is governed by the state’s Natural Death Act. This legislation permits residents to specify their wishes concerning end-of-life care. 

To be legally binding, the directive must be signed by the individual in the presence of two witnesses or be notarized. Then, once completed, copies are distributed to healthcare providers, family members and any appointed healthcare agents.

The directive can be customized to reflect personal values and medical preferences. It’s important to review and update the directive periodically, especially after significant life events and changes in health status.

How to Create an Advance Healthcare Directive in Washington

A senior couple discussing an advance healthcare directive.

An advance healthcare directive outlines your medical treatment preferences and designates a healthcare proxy to make decisions for you if you cannot. It’se recommended that you create one as part of your estate and retirement plans. Here are seven general steps to help you get started.

Step 1: Obtain the Necessary Forms

The first step is to get the appropriate forms. These forms are available from various sources, like the Washington State Medical Association. Make sure that you have the most current version to comply with state laws.

Step 2: Fill Out Personal Information

When filling out your personal information, include your full name, address and date of birth. This section is straightforward but essential for identifying you as the directive’s author. If you’ve hired an estate planning attorney they could help prepare the forms for you as well. 

Step 3: Appoint a Healthcare Agent

Appointing a healthcare agent means that you will authorize this person to make medical decisions on your behalf when you are incapacitated. Choose someone you trust implicitly and discuss your wishes with them in detail so that they are comfortable with this responsibility.

Step 4: Specify Your Medical Treatment Preferences

Outline your medical treatment preferences. This section allows you to specify the types of medical interventions you do or do not want, such as artificial nutrition and hydration, resuscitation efforts and pain management options. Be as detailed as possible to avoid any ambiguity and talk to your physician about any questions you may have.

Step 5: Sign and Date the Document

In Washington, your signature must be witnessed by two individuals who are not related to you by blood or marriage and who will not benefit financially from your death, or in the presence of a notary.

Step 6: Distribute Copies

Once your directive is complete and properly signed, distribute copies to your healthcare agent, primary care physician and any other relevant parties. Keeping multiple copies will help you keep them accessible when needed.

Step 7: Review and Update Regularly

It’s essential to review and update your advance healthcare directive periodically. Any changes should be documented, with updated copies getting distributed to all relevant parties.

Advance Healthcare Directive Forms to Know

If you are ready to create your own advance healthcare directive, here is a breakdown of the general forms that you will need:

  • Durable power of attorney for healthcare. This estate planning document can allow you to appoint a trusted individual to make decisions about treatments, medications and even end-of-life care that reflect your wishes accurately.
  • Living Will. This is part of an advance healthcare directive, which may also include a healthcare proxy (or durable power of attorney for healthcare). The living will specifies your treatment preferences, while the healthcare proxy appoints someone to make decisions on your behalf if you cannot communicate. Together, they form a complete advance healthcare directive.
  • Physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLST). This form is a highly specific and actionable set of instructions for emergency personnel and healthcare providers that  outlines your decisions regarding resuscitation, hospitalization or comfort-focused care.
  • Mental health advance directive. This form includes information about preferred medications, treatment facilities and consent to or refusal of specific treatments for individuals with a history of mental health issues.

Bottom Line

A senior couple deciding whether they should create an advance healthcare directive.

Creating an advance healthcare directive in Washington is an important step in estate planning. This directive outlines your medical treatment preferences and appoints someone to make decisions for you if you cannot communicate. You should know the specific requirements for these documents in Washington to make them legally valid and effective.

Estate Planning Tips

  • If you want to create an estate plan, a financial advisor could help you manage and distribute assets to your beneficiaries. Finding a financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • While everyone can benefit from estate planning, DIY estate planning is an especially bad idea if the estate in question is going to be worth more than the estate tax exemption. Read this guide to avoid the dangers of DIY estate planning

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