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Wola Odeniran

Posts by Wola Odeniran

Financial Advisors

60% of Financial Advisors Use or Are Interested in Using ChatGPT – 2023 Survey

While the onslaught of artificial intelligence (AI), specifically ChatGPT, has proven to be a sudden and bumpy transition, financial advisors – among many other industries – have eagerly begun trying to fit the technology into their practices. The AI chatbot has the ability to interface with clients and prospects while analyzing data and drafting memos. Still, many… read more…

A financial advisor breaks down a strategy to nurture leads and grow AUM for their firm.
Firm Management

4 Ways Advisor Firms Nurture Leads to Grow Assets Under Management

Growing an advisory firm requires a coherent strategy. A 2023 survey conducted by Janus Henderson Investors and the Financial Planning Association (FPA) examines ways advisor firms can encourage growth. Read on to see the three ways advisor firms nurture leads and… read more…

Financial Advisors

Nearly 4 in 5 Advisors Say the U.S. Economy Is in a Recession – Or Will Be Within the Year – 2023 Survey

SmartAsset: Would you pay an extra tax to save Social Security? Here's what experts think

Would You Pay an Extra Tax to Save Social Security? Here’s What Experts Think

The projections for the solvency of Social Security a decade from now are not good. And if something isn’t done, the trust funds for Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and the combined Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance (OASDI)… read more…

SmartAsset: How advisors should counsel clients during tax law uncertainty
Industry Trends

How Advisors Should Counsel Clients During Tax Law Uncertainty

The 2024 presidential election and anticipated 2025 sunsetting of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are creating tax-related uncertainty for advisors and clients alike. But there is still time for clients, especially high-net-worth individuals, to prepare accordingly. Read on… read more…

SmartAsset: Looking for a new bank? Depositors may be able to earn extra cash
Banking Basics

Some Banks Are Offering Sign-Up Bonuses to New Clients, But These Perks May Expire Soon

Some banks are offering bonus cash to consumers who open new accounts. These promotions trail the high-profile failure of several banks in March and the Federal Reserve’s recent rate increases. New banking promotions may provide valuable incentives to new depositors.… read more…

SmartAsset: Will cd rates go up in 2023?
Certificate of Deposits

Will CD Rates Continue to Go Up in 2023?

The Federal Reserve hiked interest rates seven times in 2022 in an attempt to combat inflation, a fight that has proved daunting. Continuing its hawkish stance in 2023, the Fed raised rates at the first two Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)… read more…

SmartAsset: Are Your Retirement Savings on Track?
Retirement Planning

Are Your Retirement Savings on Track? Compare Your Progress Against These Benchmarks

Saving for retirement takes a lot of time, discipline and planning. But tracking your progress along the way is easier when you set incremental goals. Luckily, T. Rowe Price has released precise savings guidelines to help people who are saving… read more…

SmartAsset: 4 lessons advisors can learn from high-net-worth clients that apply to any client
Firm Management

4 Lessons Advisors Can Learn From High-Net-Worth Clients – That Apply to Regular Clients

Advisors often work with high-net-worth clients and are able to understand the expectations wealthy clients have about managing their finances. The good news is that some of those takeaways can be applied to clients who are not high-net-worth individuals. Read… read more…

SmartAsset: The average American saver is coming up 22% short in this vital area

The Average American Saver Is Coming Up 22% Short in This Vital Area

Americans are coming up way short when it comes to building a sufficient nest egg for their golden years. According to Fidelity’s recently released 2023 Retirement Savings Assessment, Americans saving about 78% of what they’ll need in retirement (a 22% shortfall). In… read more…

SmartAsset: These stocks dropped over 38% in returns. Here are the biggest losers in Q1 2023
Portfolio Management

These Stocks Fell at Least 38% Last Quarter. Are They in Your Portfolio?

The first quarter of 2023 was a mixed bag for many stocks. And five, in particular, were among the worst performers. According to Morningstar, First Republic Bank (FRC), Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY), Groupon (GRPN), Lumen Technologies (LUMN) and Zions Bancorp… read more…

SmartAsset: An ever-changing retirement age: How advisors handle this with clients
Resources for Clients

How Advisors Handle an Ever-Changing Retirement Age

When it comes to Social Security, age 67 is considered full retirement age. But it hasn’t always been that way. Originally, the Social Security Act of 1935 set the retirement age at 65 years old. The age increased to 67… read more…

SmartAsset: Will AI revolutionize estate planning? What advisors should know
Industry Trends

Will Artificial Intelligence Revolutionize Estate Planning? What Advisors Should Know

Estate planning attorneys and financial advisors be aware: Artificial intelligence, including tools such as ChatGPT, may have the ability to shake up legacy planning in a powerful way. In fact, ChatGPT recently passed the bar exam, scoring high marks without… read more…

SmartAsset: Are money market accounts safe?
Banking Basics

Are Money Market Accounts Safe?

When banking failures occur, depositors naturally become worried about their money. They also tend to question whether to withdraw cash from their accounts or leave it where it is. And as depositors look for a safe place to house their… read more…

SmartAsset: Cyber security is a client service advisors may be overlooking
Industry Trends

Cyber Security Is a Client Service That Advisors May Be Overlooking

With cybercrime increasing at a high rate in recent years, advisors can’t afford to overlook its impact on themselves and their clients. Cybercrime has increased by over 600% since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and is expected to nearly… read more…

SmartAsset: What most advisors are missing about secure act 2.0
Compliance & Legal

What Most Advisors Are Missing About SECURE 2.0 Act

When President Joe Biden signed SECURE 2.0 Act into law in late December 2022, advisors began digesting the provisions of the legislation. The changes inside SECURE 2.0 range from new rules related to 529 college savings plans to when retirees should take… read more…

SmartAsset: 6 Strategies to help you avoid high advisor fees
Advisor Fees & Costs

5 Strategies to Lower Financial Advisor Fees

Hiring a financial advisor can be a smart move – but it doesn’t always come cheap. Fees may cut into your budget and might even disrupt how you plan to save money down the line. We’ll discuss strategies that can… read more…

SmartAsset: Common mistakes high-net-worth clients make
Resources for Clients

5 Common Mistakes High-Net-Worth Clients Make

When it comes to advising high-net-worth clients, financial advisors have a lot at stake. That’s especially true when it comes to helping clients steer clear of common mistakes and pitfalls. “Addressing common client mistakes looks different with high-net-worth clients because… read more…

SmartAsset: Morningstar checklist for tax filers in 2023

Keep These Tax Changes in Mind in 2023

Tax season is well underway once again. For those who got an early jump and already filed their 2022 taxes, it’s never too soon to start thinking about your tax plan for 2023. While filers shouldn’t expect a whole lot… read more…

A homeowner looking up the lowest property tax rates in 2024.
Tax Policy

States With the Lowest Property Taxes in 2025

Property taxes can make or break your budget as a homebuyer. That’s especially true if you live in one of the higher property tax states in the U.S. New Jersey, for example, has the highest property tax rate in the nation at 2.33%, while Hawaii has the lowest at 0.27%. There are 23 states with… read more…

SmartAsset: SEC issues risk alert. Is your broker-dealer qualified to handle your investments?
Financial Advisor

SEC Issues Risk Alert: Here’s Why Your Broker Needs to Act in Your Best Interest

The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) released a risk alert related to Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) in order to highlight deficiencies noted during examinations conducted, as well as examples of weak practices that could result in deficiencies. This regulation generally provides that broker-dealers must… read more…

SmartAsset: this FTC proposal could ban noncompete clauses
Compliance & Legal

FTC Bans Non-Compete Clauses. What Does It Mean for Financial Advisors?

A proposed rule from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) could ban employers from binding up employees with non-compete clauses. If passed, this rule could increase career opportunities for millions of Americans. And it could change the way employers endeavor to… read more…

SmartAsset: A roundup of Morningstar’s dividend funds for 2023
Income Investing

This Investment Beat Out Stocks By 25 Percentage Point Last Year: Should You Add It to Your 2023 Portfolio?

It’s no secret that 2022 was a difficult year in the market for stocks, but dividend stocks actually delivered solid returns for investors. And that’s good news for retirees who rely on dividend stocks as a source of income. With… read more…

SmartAsset: Policy and tax changes impacting high-net-worth clients in 2023
Industry Trends

Policy and Tax Changes Impacting High-Net-Worth Clients in 2023

As 2023 begins, advisors are looking ahead to the policy and tax changes impacting their high-net-worth clients. Those include changes stemming from the passage of Secure 2.0 Act. Read on for the 2023 policy and tax changes that advisors expect… read more…

SmartAsset: Do Medicare Premiums Go Up Because of Inflation?

Do Medicare Premiums Go Up Because of Inflation?

With inflation in 2022 reaching a 40-year high, many taxpayers might wonder if they will have to pay more in Medicare premiums for 2023. Your Medicare premium will not increase because of inflation. But it has been going up steadily… read more…