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Minnesota Income Tax Calculator

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Overview of Minnesota Taxes

Minnesota has a progressive income tax with rates that are among the highest in the nation. Property and sales taxes are also above average.

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Household Income
Columbus, OH is not in Minnesota Dismiss
Filing Status
401(k) Contribution
IRA Contribution
Itemized Deductions
Number of State Personal Exemptions
Your 2024 Estimated State Income Tax: $2,224

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Your Income Taxes Breakdown

Tax Type Marginal 
Tax Rate
Tax Rate
Federal 12.00% 8.33% $4,500
FICA 7.65% 7.65% $4,134
State 6.80% 4.12% $2,224
Local 0.00% 0.00% $0
Total Income Taxes 20.09% $10,858
Income After Taxes $43,179
Retirement Contributions $0
Take-Home Pay $43,179

* These are the taxes owed for the 2024 - 2025 filing season.

Your 2024 Federal Income Tax Comparison

Created with Highcharts 6.0.7$0$0.25$0.5$0.75$1$1.25$1k$2k$3k$4k$5k
  • Your marginal federal income tax rate remained at 12.00%.
  • Your effective federal income tax rate changed from 8.52% to 8.33%.
  • Your federal income taxes changed from $4,602 to $4,500.

Total Estimated 2024 Tax Burden

Income Tax $10,858
Sales Tax $1,077
Fuel Tax $216
Property Tax$2,711
Total Estimated Tax Burden $14,862
Percent of income to taxes = 28%
Created with Highcharts 6.0.7
  • About This Answer

    Our income tax calculator calculates your federal, state and local taxes based on several key inputs: your household income, location, filing status and number of personal exemptions.

    How Income Taxes Are Calculated

    • First, we calculate your adjusted gross income (AGI) by taking your total household income and reducing it by certain items such as contributions to your 401(k).
    • Next, from AGI we subtract exemptions and deductions (either itemized or standard) to get your taxable income. Exemptions can be claimed for each taxpayer as well as dependents such as one’s spouse or children.
    • Based on your filing status, your taxable income is then applied to the the tax brackets to calculate your federal income taxes owed for the year.
    • Your location will determine whether you owe local and / or state taxes. more
  • Last Updated: January 1, 2025

    When Do We Update? - We regularly check for any updates to the latest tax rates and regulations.

    Customer Service - If you would like to leave any feedback, feel free to email more
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Taxes in Minnesota

Minnesota State Tax Quick Facts

  • Income tax: 5.35% - 9.85%
  • Sales tax: 6.875% - 9.875%
  • Property tax: 1.05% average effective rate
  • Gas tax: 28.6 cents per gallon

State income tax rates in the “Land of 10,000 Lakes” are among the highest in the nation, ranging from 5.35% to 9.85%, some of the highest rates in the country. The state’s property taxes and sales taxes are likewise above average on a nationwide scale. However, the impact of those rates will vary greatly depending on a taxpayer’s income level, home value and spending habits.

A financial advisor can help you understand how these taxes fit into your overall financial goals. Finding a financial advisor doesn't have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

Minnesota Income Taxes

The Minnesota state income tax is based on four tax brackets, with higher marginal rates for higher income earners.

Income Tax Brackets

Single Filers
Minnesota Taxable IncomeRate
$0 - $31,6905.35%
$31,690 - $104,0906.80%
$104,090 - $193,2407.85%

As mentioned above, those are among the highest state income tax rates in the country. But these rates apply to taxable income, not gross income. Taxable income takes into account all applicable deductions and exemptions; in Minnesota, these track very closely to federal deductions and exemptions.

With the exception of the deduction for state and local income taxes, all federal itemized deductions can also be claimed on Minnesota state income tax returns. The Minnesota standard deduction for the 2024 tax year (filed in 2025) is $14,575 for single filers. For married couples, the standard deduction is $29,150 total if filing jointly and $14,575 (each) if filing separately. Heads of household get a standard deduction of $21,900.

Itemized deductions in Minnesota phase out for taxpayers above a certain income level. For married persons filing separately, the phase out begins at $116,275 of federal adjusted gross income (AGI). For all other filers, the phase out begins at $232,550 of federal AGI.

One rule that may be important to many retirees is that Minnesota taxes Social Security benefits at the same level as the federal government (which is up to 85% of Social Security benefits). Many states do not tax Social Security benefits at all.

Minnesota Tax Credits

There are a number of tax credits which can lower your overall tax bill in Minnesota. The three most significant tax credits are the Working Family Credit (available to taxpayers who are eligible for the federal Earned Income Tax Credit), the Dependent Care Credit and the K-12 Education Credit (which allows taxpayers with children in school to deduct expenses).

Minnesota Sales Tax

The state sales tax rate in Minnesota is 6.875%. Additionally, many counties and cities in Minnesota levy their own local sales taxes, with rates of up to 3%. The table below shows the sales tax rates for every county in Minnesota.

Sales Tax Rates(Updated January 2025)

CountyMaximum Sales Tax Rate
Aitkin County8.375%
Anoka County8.375%
Becker County7.375%
Beltrami County8.5%
Benton County7.875%
Big Stone County6.875%
Blue Earth County7.875%
Brown County7.875%
Carlton County8.875%
Carver County8.525%
Cass County8.875%
Chippewa County7.375%
Chisago County8.375%
Clay County7.875%
Clearwater County8%
Cook County8.375%
Cottonwood County6.875%
Crow Wing County8.375%
Dakota County8.625%
Dodge County7.375%
Douglas County7.375%
Faribault County7.375%
Fillmore County7.875%
Freeborn County7.875%
Goodhue County8.125%
Grant County7.375%
Hennepin County9.875%
Houston County7.375%
Hubbard County8.875%
Isanti County8.125%
Itasca County8.375%
Jackson County7.375%
Kanabec County7.375%
Kandiyohi County7.875%
Kittson County7.375%
Koochiching County8.375%
Lac Qui Parle County6.875%
Lake County8.375%
Lake Of The Woods County7.375%
Le Sueur County8.375%
Lincoln County6.875%
Lyon County7.375%
Mahnomen County7.375%
Marshall County7.375%
Martin County7.375%
Mcleod County8.375%
Meeker County7.375%
Mille Lacs County8.375%
Morrison County7.375%
Mower County7.875%
Murray County7.375%
Nicollet County7.875%
Nobles County7.875%
Norman County7.375%
Olmsted County8.125%
Otter Tail County7.875%
Pennington County7.375%
Pine County7.875%
Pipestone County7.375%
Polk County7.375%
Pope County7.375%
Ramsey County9.875%
Red Lake County7.375%
Redwood County7.375%
Renville County7.375%
Rice County8.375%
Rock County7.375%
Roseau County8%
Scott County8.375%
Sherburne County8.125%
Sibley County8.375%
St Louis County8.875%
Stearns County8.125%
Steele County7.875%
Stevens County6.875%
Swift County7.375%
Todd County7.375%
Traverse County6.875%
Wabasha County7.375%
Wadena County7.875%
Waseca County7.375%
Washington County8.875%
Watonwan County7.375%
Wilkin County7.375%
Winona County7.375%
Wright County8.775%
Yellow Medicine County7.375%

As you can see, in several of Minnesota’s largest cities, sales taxes (local plus state) exceed 7.50%. In Minneapolis, there are surtaxes of 3% on restaurants, liquor and entertainment in the downtown area. Two other cities, Mankato and Proctor, have their own surtaxes on food and beverages, of 0.5% and 1% respectively.

While those taxes apply to prepared food (as does the regular state sales tax), food purchased at a grocery store, for off-premises consumption, is generally not taxable in Minnesota. So, for example, you would pay no sales tax on cereal, spaghetti sauce, sugar or food coloring. On the other hand, candy, soft drinks and food from vending machines are all taxable.

Additionally, most clothing is not taxable in Minnesota, an important exception that separates Minnesota from many other states. Blue jeans, shoes, coats, t-shirts and even diapers are all nontaxable. “Clothing accessories,” however, like hair clips, umbrellas and backpacks, are taxable.

Many services are also subject to sales tax in Minnesota. Among the services for which Minnesotans have to pay sales tax are: installations, laundry services, lawn care, parking services and telecommunications services.

Minnesota Property Tax

Property taxes in Minnesota are primarily administered and collected by county authorities. This means that rates will vary depending on where you live. They range from lows of 0.58% in Aitkin County, to a high of 1.25% in Pennington County. On average, annual property tax payments in Minnesota are about $3,000. The average effective property tax rate in the state is 1.04%, which is slightly higher than the national mark.

If you are thinking about buying a home in Minnesota, the property taxes of each county are just one of many things to consider. Our Minnesota mortgage guide is a great place to start researching the ins and outs of getting a mortgage in the state.

Minnesota Estate Tax

The estate tax in Minnesota currently applies to taxable estates worth more than $3 million. Estates with a taxable value greater than that amount must file an estate tax return. Note that recent gifts (those made within three years prior to the decedent’s death) are considered when evaluating the estate. The table below shows the marginal rates and brackets to which those rates apply.

Minnesota Estate Tax Rates

Minnesota Taxable EstateMarginal Tax Rate
$0 - $7,100,00013.0%
$7,100,000 - $8,100,00013.6%
$8,100,000 - $9,100,00014.4%
$9,100,000 - $10,100,00015.2%

Minnesota Cigarette Tax

Minnesota has increased its tobacco taxes in recent years. As of January 1, 2025, the state's tax totals 78.6 cents per 20-pack of cigarettes. 

Minnesota Gas Tax

The statewide gas tax in Minnesota is 28.6 cents per gallon of regular gasoline.

Photo credit: flickr
  • There are 11,842 separate lakes that are at least ten acres in surface area in Minnesota.
  • The average high January temperature in the city of Minneapolis is 23.7 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The Mayo Clinic, based in Rochester, Minnesota, is considered one of the best medical practices in the world.

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