- The Basics of Medicare Eligibility
Medicare is a federal health insurance program widely used by U.S. citizens and permanent residents age 65 and older. The program also applies to those younger than age 65 who have disabilities, end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or other diseases. But… read more…
- 5 Alternatives to Paying for Health Insurance
Traditional health insurance can be very expensive, but there are lower-cost alternatives. As you look for ways to save money while also protecting yourself in case you get sick or injured, it pays to be informed about those options. While… read more…
- Medicare for All: Definition, Pros and Cons
Medicare for All is a proposed new healthcare system for the United States where instead of people getting health insurance from an insurance company, often provided through their workplace, everyone in America would be on a program provided through the… read more…
- Who Qualifies for Medicaid?
To qualify for Medicaid, you have to meet certain income requirements. This is a federally run health insurance program designed to help the needy access quality healthcare. Eligibility varies by state, but you have to meet some general conditions. This… read more…
- Turning 26? Here’s When to Get Health Insurance
The age of 26 is the magical time surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Until they turn 26, young adults are allowed to remain covered by their parents’ health insurance plans. If your 26th birthday is right around the corner… read more…
- What Is a PPO?
A preferred provider organization (commonly referred to as a PPO) is one of many types of health insurance options available. A distinguishing feature of a PPO is the ability to see doctors as you please, with low rates for providers… read more…
- What Is an HMO?
Picking a health insurance plan for the first time can be quite challenging. There are many different kinds of plans to choose from. And you may need to have coverage from multiple insurers in order to get all of the… read more…
- What’s the Average Cost of Health Insurance?
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, the uninsured rate in America has plummeted. Now that folks can be charged a penalty for not having insurance, only 8.6% don’t have healthcare coverage. While the hallmark of President Obama’s presidency has made… read more…
- 10 Health Insurance Terms You Should Know
Open enrollment begins soon and many Americans will have a chance to make adjustments to their healthcare plans. But let’s face it – it could be tough to choose the best coverage if you don’t understand the difference between a… read more…
- Who Do HSAs Make Sense For?
Your employer may offer a health savings account (HSA) as a way to keep medical expenses down. Employers generally subsidize a majority of the cost so the premium you pay via payroll deduction isn’t even close to the full amount. While HSAs… read more…