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Jeff White, CEPF®

Jeff White is an Editor for SmartAsset. He's an expert in a variety of personal finance topics, such as investing, banking and retirement, and also holds the Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®) designation. Jeff has received his JD and MBA and has been featured in a number of publications, such as Investopedia, The Street, Forbes, Yahoo! Finance and more. He currently resides in Utah with his wife and five children, where they cheer for the Denver Broncos and make it to the water to sail whenever given the chance.

Posts by Jeff White, CEPF®

what is a debit card
Banking Basics

What Is a Debit Card?

A debit card is a physical payment card that is used to electronically access the money you have in your bank account to make purchases or transfer money. Debit cards can be used at point-of-sale terminals or online to transfer… read more…

retire and relocate
Retirement Planning

Vanguard Says Retirees Can Add at Least $100k to Retirement Savings By Doing This

Approximately 80% of all Americans aged 60 and older are homeowners, and housing wealth accounts for about 48% of the median wealth of that group. As retirees near large cities, and strong housing markets, start retiring, they realize they can… read more…

SmartAsset: States With the Largest Tax Refunds - 2023 Edition
Cost of Living & Taxes

States With the Largest Tax Refunds – 2023 Edition

As we progress through the 2023 tax season, many Americans have their eyes on a potential tax refund. But getting money back from the government can actually be a double-edged sword. Earning a large tax refund may mean that you… read more…

empower joins auto-portability consortium

Empower Joins Auto-Portability Consortium to Accelerate Retirement Savings

Empower, one of the leading providers of financial services, has officially announced its intention to join an auto-portability network that was founded in the fall of 2022. It joins other industry leaders Fidelity and Vanguard in joining the consortium in… read more…

Vanguard 2023 projections
Market Analysis & Economic Trends

Vanguard Sees Non-U.S. Equities, Emerging Market Bonds as Top Sectors in 2023

Vanguard has released its January 2023 investment and economic forecasts, and there are some interesting projections that all investors should consider. The forecast predicts faster economic growth in China than in the U.S. or Europe. When looking at investments, Vanguard… read more…

how to save a million dollars in 10 years
Investing for Beginners

How to Save $1 Million Dollars in 10 Years

A common number that people generally seek to save is $1 million. It’s a good start to long-term retirement and is a threshold that people view favorably as they seek to reach their financial goals. Saving $1 million is doable,… read more…

How Much Income From Interest Is Taxable

How Much Income From Interest Is Taxable?

When you earn interest income on your investments or other financial endeavors, then you’ll likely need to pay taxes on all or part of that income. Earned interest is considered the same as any other ordinary income and must be… read more…

can i retire at 60 with 500k
Retirement Planning

Can You Retire at 60 With $500,000?

Most people widely accept that the retirement age is 65 because this has long been the traditional age needed for Social Security benefits. However, it has increased to 66 or 67 in recent times, depending on when you were born.… read more…

SmartAsset: Healthcare Costs in Retirement
Healthcare & Living

Guide to Healthcare Costs in Retirement

Retirement is often considered a great time to travel and do things you’ve been planning for years. You save and invest for multiple decades before deciding to stop working and move into the next phase of your life. Unfortunately, not… read more…

Lower Taxes Retirement Income
Retirement Taxes

Follow This 5-Step Retirement Income Plan to Lower Taxes

Many investors don’t have enough interest-bearing accounts to live in retirement solely on the interest they earn from those investments. This means that many will need to start turning investment assets into cash in order to pay for living expenses… read more…

Real Estate Inflation Hedge
Financial Advisor

Can You Use Real Estate to Hedge Against Inflation?

Inflation can have a negative impact on normal household spending, from gas to groceries and beyond. This is why many people seek opportunities to hedge their wallets and portfolios against rising inflation as it starts to negatively impact the money.… read more…

SmartAsset: Cities With the Most Financial Stress - 2022 Edition
Quality of Life

Cities With the Most Financial Stress – 2022 Edition

Stubborn inflation, a sliding stock market and ongoing layoffs in recent months have many Americans on edge. However, financial stress was at a record high even before the market made headlines. Data from an American Psychological Association survey shows that in February… read more…

investing vs gambling
Investing for Beginners

Investing vs. Gambling: What You Need to Know

Investing in the stock market comes with inherent risks. In fact, one could equate investing to gambling because of the up-and-down nature of the market as a whole. However, this isn’t quite as true as it may seem. While there… read more…

SmartAsset: States With the Strongest Unions - 2022 Edition
Data Studies

States With the Strongest Unions – 2022 Edition

Union members tend to earn more than their non-union peers. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that non-union workers have median weekly earnings that are only 83% of the earnings for union workers. And while union membership is… read more…

Brokerage Account vs Savings Account

Brokerage Account vs. Savings Account: Where Should You Keep Your Money?

Both brokerage and savings accounts can help you earn a return on the money you stash in them. However, there are some major differences in how they work. When comparing brokerage accounts and savings accounts, it’s important to consider things like how much money you’ll deposit, what type of return you’re looking to get and… read more…

SmartAsset: Can I Rent Out My Second Home?
Real Estate

Can I Rent Out My Second Home?

Owners of a second home can rent it out from time to time and the property can still qualify as a second home. This is thanks in large part to the rise of apps like Airbnb. Fannie Mae has made this distinction official, which makes owning a second home more attractive to many because the… read more…