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Nebraska Property Tax Calculator

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Overview of Nebraska Taxes

At 1.54%, Nebraska has the ninth-highest effective property tax rate in the U.S. The typical homeowner in Nebraska can expect to pay $3,167 annually towards their property tax bill.

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(Butler County)
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1.540% of Assessed Home Value
National $4,495
0.899% of Assessed Home Value
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  • About This Answer

    To calculate the exact amount of property tax you will owe requires your property's assessed value and the property tax rates based on your property's address. Please note that we can only estimate your property tax based on median property taxes in your area. There are typically multiple rates in a given area, because your state, county, local schools and emergency responders each receive funding partly through these taxes. In our calculator, we take your home value and multiply that by your county's effective property tax rate. This is equal to the median property tax paid as a percentage of the median home value in your county. more
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Nebraska Property Tax

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Thinking about buying a home in Nebraska? Here’s something you might want to keep in mind: Nebraska has some of the highest property tax rates of any U.S. state. The average effective property tax rate in Nebraska is 1.54%, well above the national average of 0.90%.

In Nebraska’s largest counties, however, rates can occasionally approach 1.5%. But if you are looking to buy a home in Nebraska, regardless of property taxes, check out our mortgage guide for information about rates and getting a mortgage in the Cornhusker State.

A financial advisor can help you understand how homeownership fits into your overall financial goals. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

How Nebraska Property Taxes Work

Property taxes in Nebraska can be paid in two installments. In most of the state, the first half must be paid by May 1 and the second half by September 1. In Sarpy, Lancaster and Douglas counties, though, the dates are March 31 and July 31.

Taxes are calculated based on the market value of your home. County assessors determine market value annually, as of January 1 of each year. Residential property is assessed to at or near 100% of market value, which means assessed value should just about equal the amount you could get by selling your home on the market.

Homeowners who disagree with their property assessment can protest to the County Board of Equalization. If that protest does not produce a satisfactory result, they can then file an appeal with the Nebraska Tax Equalization and Review Commission.

Nebraska Property Tax Rates

The state of Nebraska is prohibited by law from levying property taxes. Thus, the taxes are collected entirely at the local level. Tax authorities, such as school districts and city governments, levy taxes and apply rates based on their revenue needs. Thus, rates can vary from one neighborhood to the next, depending on what tax districts cover your home.

The table below shows the average effective tax rate for every Nebraska county. Rates are calculated in the form of median annual property tax payment as a percentage of median home value, which demonstrates the amount a typical homeowner can expect to pay.

CountyMedian Home ValueMedian Annual Property Tax PaymentAverage Effective Property Tax Rate
AdamsDundy County$109,900$8790.80%
AntelopeLoup County$116,500$9430.81%
ArthurGrant County$104,200$8880.85%
BannerKeya Paha County$109,000$9880.91%
BlaineThomas County$140,600$1,3190.94%
BoonePerkins County$143,300$1,3530.94%
Box ButteBoone County$165,400$1,6471.00%
BoydCedar County$160,700$1,6081.00%
BrownHamilton County$201,200$2,0441.02%
BuffaloBanner County$174,200$1,8641.07%
BurtArthur County$164,300$1,7621.07%
ButlerCuming County$160,000$1,7251.08%
CassPolk County$152,700$1,6541.08%
CedarMcPherson County$105,300$1,1461.09%
ChaseBrown County$89,700$9771.09%
CherrySioux County$157,800$1,7361.10%
CheyenneChase County$176,900$1,9861.12%
ClayPierce County$167,400$1,8841.13%
ColfaxWheeler County$101,400$1,1511.14%
CumingNuckolls County$88,500$1,0111.14%
CusterHolt County$148,900$1,7011.14%
DakotaCherry County$137,300$1,5701.14%
DawesRock County$87,300$1,0001.15%
DawsonLogan County$123,600$1,4321.16%
DeuelHitchcock County$85,500$1,0071.18%
DixonButler County$150,400$1,8101.20%
DodgeGosper County$192,100$2,3211.21%
DouglasYork County$160,500$1,9531.22%
DundyCuster County$133,400$1,6281.22%
FillmoreBoyd County$95,200$1,1631.22%
FranklinHoward County$181,600$2,2191.22%
FrontierAntelope County$104,500$1,2801.22%
FurnasFillmore County$122,700$1,5071.23%
GageKnox County$112,700$1,3881.23%
GardenThayer County$91,600$1,1291.23%
GarfieldGarden County$91,700$1,1311.23%
GosperHarlan County$135,800$1,6851.24%
GrantNance County$108,000$1,3481.25%
GreeleyKearney County$203,200$2,5491.25%
HallHayes County$104,800$1,3211.26%
HamiltonMerrick County$159,300$2,0271.27%
HarlanRed Willow County$144,700$1,8481.28%
HayesSeward County$208,700$2,6701.28%
HitchcockGarfield County$123,500$1,5841.28%
HoltFranklin County$95,400$1,2441.30%
HookerSherman County$112,500$1,4691.31%
HowardHooker County$78,300$1,0261.31%
JeffersonWayne County$176,200$2,3261.32%
JohnsonRichardson County$89,500$1,1841.32%
KearneyPhelps County$161,300$2,1521.33%
KeithDixon County$123,500$1,6641.35%
Keya PahaClay County$129,600$1,7471.35%
KimballMadison County$187,100$2,5491.36%
KnoxMorrill County$107,700$1,4721.37%
LancasterDawson County$136,900$1,8721.37%
LincolnBlaine County$85,700$1,1751.37%
LoganStanton County$170,900$2,3591.38%
LoupPlatte County$195,800$2,7051.38%
McPhersonNemaha County$118,300$1,6451.39%
MadisonDawes County$142,100$1,9861.40%
MerrickKeith County$158,900$2,2251.40%
MorrillPawnee County$74,000$1,0541.42%
NanceJefferson County$116,700$1,6631.43%
NemahaHall County$190,800$2,7201.43%
NuckollsSheridan County$96,900$1,3831.43%
OtoeSaline County$155,800$2,2251.43%
PawneeColfax County$103,400$1,4771.43%
PerkinsSaunders County$220,600$3,1581.43%
PhelpsWebster County$92,800$1,3291.43%
PierceGage County$155,600$2,2311.43%
PlatteBurt County$123,100$1,7691.44%
PolkOtoe County$172,500$2,4991.45%
Red WillowFurnas County$85,600$1,2501.46%
RichardsonFrontier County$124,500$1,8221.46%
RockDodge County$168,900$2,4801.47%
SalineWashington County$265,800$3,9121.47%
SarpyDeuel County$91,900$1,3541.47%
SaundersCass County$234,300$3,4731.48%
Scotts BluffScotts Bluff County$150,600$2,2641.50%
SewardBuffalo County$218,600$3,2991.51%
SheridanBox Butte County$161,600$2,4551.52%
ShermanAdams County$166,300$2,5351.52%
SiouxValley County$125,800$1,9201.53%
StantonThurston County$90,000$1,4081.56%
ThayerJohnson County$117,300$1,8501.58%
ThomasGreeley County$85,300$1,3461.58%
ThurstonLincoln County$167,900$2,6621.59%
ValleyLancaster County$239,900$3,8471.60%
WashingtonDakota County$158,700$2,5611.61%
WayneDouglas County$227,400$3,9911.76%
WebsterCheyenne County$117,300$2,0871.78%
WheelerSarpy County$263,000$4,8531.85%
YorkKimball County$92,500$1,7661.91%

Looking to calculate your potential monthly mortgage payment? Check out our mortgage calculator.

Douglas County

Nebraska’s largest county by population, Douglas County also has some of the highest property tax rates. The effective tax rate in the county is 1.76%, close to double the national average. The single largest recipient of property tax dollars in Douglas County are local school districts, including the Omaha Public School District.

If you have questions about how property taxes can affect your overall financial plans, a financial advisor in Omaha can help you out.

Lancaster County

Located in eastern Nebraska, Lancaster County is home to the state capital, Lincoln. The effective property tax rate in the county is just above the statewide average (1.60% in the county versus 1.54% for the state). Lancaster County has some of the highest home values in the state, and so the total taxes that residents pay are also above average on a statewide basis. The median property tax paid in Lancaster County is $3,847, while the state median is just $3,167.

Sarpy County

Sarpy County is part of the Omaha metropolitan area and has the second-highest property effective property tax in the state. The effective property tax rate in Sarpy County is 1.85%. At that rate, a homeowner with a home worth $263,000 (the county's median home value) would pay $4,853 annually in property taxes.

Hall County

This central Nebraska county has an effective property tax rate of 1.43%, below the state average. However, the county's $2,720 median property tax payment is one of the highest in the state.

Buffalo County

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Buffalo County is the fifth-most populous county in Nebraska and sits adjacent to Hall County. The effective property tax rate in Buffalo County is 1.51%, which ranks 14th highest among Nebraska's 93 counties. 

Scotts Bluff County

Situated along the Wyoming border in western Nebraska, Scotts Bluff County has an effective property tax rate of 1.50%. The median annual property tax payment in Scotts Bluff County is $2,264.

Dodge County

Dodge County is located in eastern Nebraska and is just northwest of Omaha, the largest city in the state. Dodge County's effective property tax rate is 1.47%. Similar to Douglas County, the majority of property tax revenue in Dodge County goes to school districts.

Lincoln County

The effective property tax rate in Lincoln County is 1.59%. That's slightly above the state average, but is significantly higher than the national average of 0.90%%. Annual property taxes on a home worth $167,900 (the median home value in the county) would be $2,662.

Madison County

The eighth-most populous county in Nebraska, Madison County has an effective property tax rate (1.36%) that's below the statewide average. A typical homeowner in Madison County pays $2,549 annually in property taxes.

Platte County

Property tax rates in Platte County rank in the bottom half of Nebraska’s 93 counties. The effective property tax rate in Platte County is 1.38%, while the median property tax bill is $2,705 per year.

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