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Missouri Property Tax Calculator

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Overview of Missouri Taxes

The average effective property tax rate in Missouri is 0.91% – practically identical to the national average of 0.90. The state's median annual property tax payment of $1,812 is significantly less than the national median ($3,057).

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Average County Tax Rate
(Saint Louis County)
Property Taxes
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1.243% of Assessed Home Value
0.909% of Assessed Home Value
National $4,495
0.899% of Assessed Home Value
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  • About This Answer

    To calculate the exact amount of property tax you will owe requires your property's assessed value and the property tax rates based on your property's address. Please note that we can only estimate your property tax based on median property taxes in your area. There are typically multiple rates in a given area, because your state, county, local schools and emergency responders each receive funding partly through these taxes. In our calculator, we take your home value and multiply that by your county's effective property tax rate. This is equal to the median property tax paid as a percentage of the median home value in your county. more
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Missouri Property Tax Rates

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Property taxes in Missouri are a key source of revenue for local governments. They help pay for schools, law enforcement, city administration and other important local services. In comparison to other states, however, property taxes in Missouri are not especially high.

The state’s average effective property tax rate is 0.91%. However, rates in Missouri vary significantly depending on where you live, though. In St. Louis County, for example, the effective tax rate is 1.24%. In Shannon County the rate is just 0.46.%.

Are you not yet a resident of Missouri, but looking to become one? Take a look at our Missouri mortgage guide page to learn all the details about getting a mortgage in Missouri.

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How Missouri Property Taxes Work

Taxes on residential real estate in Missouri are due by Dec. 31 of each year. Taxes paid after that date are subject to a 10% penalty. How much you owe in property taxes depends on your home’s assessed value and the total tax rate in your area.

Real estate in Missouri is reassessed once every two years (each odd-numbered year). Assessors determine market values using one of several techniques. The most common technique relies on the sale prices of nearby comparable properties as well as general attributes of your home, such as size and whether or not you have a garage.

Once market value has been determined, the Missouri assessment rate of 19% is applied (agricultural property is assessed at 12%). That means that assessed value should equal to 19% of market value. For example, if your home is worth $200,000, your assessed value will be $38,000. Your total tax rate applies to that $38,000.

Missouri Property Tax Rates

Tax rates in Missouri are set by a variety of local tax authorities. The rate you pay is the total of all the rates for all the districts that cover your home. Rates are expressed per $100 in assessed value.

Instead of looking at rates per assessed value, it can be useful to look at taxes paid as a percentage of home value. This is called an effective tax rate, which is a county’s median annual property tax paid as a percentage of its median home value. The table below shows the average effective tax rate for every county in Missouri.

CountyMedian Home ValueMedian Annual Property Tax PaymentAverage Effective Property Tax Rate
Adair County$146,700$1,1560.79%
Andrew County$175,300$1,4280.81%
Atchison County$96,100$1,0701.11%
Audrain County$112,300$1,0600.94%
Barry County$159,000$9760.61%
Barton County$115,600$9170.79%
Bates County$151,300$9330.62%
Benton County$154,700$8980.58%
Bollinger County$123,500$7970.65%
Boone County$237,600$2,1810.92%
Buchanan County$149,600$1,2150.81%
Butler County$132,600$8810.66%
Caldwell County$143,300$1,0950.76%
Callaway County$184,300$1,4840.81%
Camden County$248,700$1,3210.53%
Cape Girardeau County$194,200$1,3480.69%
Carroll County$105,500$9310.88%
Carter County$181,100$7850.43%
Cass County$242,300$2,2120.91%
Cedar County$152,700$8720.57%
Chariton County$121,000$9220.76%
Christian County$229,200$1,7230.75%
Clark County$124,600$1,1530.93%
Clay County$237,200$2,7331.15%
Clinton County$187,200$1,7220.92%
Cole County$198,900$1,7180.86%
Cooper County$168,200$1,1740.70%
Crawford County$156,500$9990.64%
Dade County$137,400$9470.69%
Dallas County$139,400$7390.53%
Daviess County$133,400$1,0860.81%
DeKalb County$160,300$1,3000.81%
Dent County$123,300$7770.63%
Douglas County$148,900$6550.44%
Dunklin County$93,300$6750.72%
Franklin County$201,700$1,6970.84%
Gasconade County$159,100$1,2050.76%
Gentry County$115,400$1,2271.06%
Greene County$182,800$1,4140.77%
Grundy County$111,300$1,1331.02%
Harrison County$95,900$8250.86%
Henry County$153,600$1,2240.80%
Hickory County$108,900$5730.53%
Holt County$115,500$9740.84%
Howard County$140,900$1,1440.81%
Howell County$141,600$8260.58%
Iron County$109,400$7210.66%
Jackson County$196,900$2,3361.19%
Jasper County$147,500$1,1070.75%
Jefferson County$202,500$1,7500.86%
Johnson County$206,600$1,4730.71%
Knox County$89,000$7870.88%
Laclede County$151,800$9610.63%
Lafayette County$187,000$1,4640.78%
Lawrence County$145,800$9510.65%
Lewis County$104,500$8220.79%
Lincoln County$206,800$1,6620.80%
Linn County$107,600$9290.86%
Livingston County$139,700$1,2420.89%
Macon County$115,900$9620.83%
Madison County$127,300$1,0520.83%
Maries County$197,400$1,0020.51%
Marion County$150,900$1,3080.87%
McDonald County$117,200$6820.58%
Mercer County$104,800$9320.89%
Miller County$164,900$1,0760.65%
Mississippi County$92,600$8090.87%
Moniteau County$162,100$1,1970.74%
Monroe County$136,600$9870.72%
Montgomery County$162,200$1,2640.78%
Morgan County$174,500$1,1150.64%
New Madrid County$93,400$6840.73%
Newton County$162,900$1,1720.72%
Nodaway County$157,200$1,3350.85%
Oregon County$115,700$6140.53%
Osage County$183,000$1,1600.63%
Ozark County$142,600$7030.49%
Pemiscot County$94,900$9410.99%
Perry County$179,900$1,3320.74%
Pettis County$150,000$1,2130.81%
Phelps County$174,100$1,1910.68%
Pike County$114,100$9320.82%
Platte County$288,100$3,1181.08%
Polk County$171,700$1,0510.61%
Pulaski County$177,400$1,0740.61%
Putnam County$99,600$1,1621.17%
Ralls County$144,300$1,1380.79%
Randolph County$131,200$1,1730.89%
Ray County$169,200$1,5120.89%
Reynolds County$105,300$5060.48%
Ripley County$103,700$5440.52%
Saline County$129,600$1,1010.85%
Schuyler County$106,200$9510.90%
Scotland County$136,500$1,1560.85%
Scott County$132,800$8920.67%
Shannon County$141,600$6540.46%
Shelby County$85,900$7860.92%
St. Charles County$278,300$3,1961.15%
St. Clair County$126,500$8710.69%
St. Francois County$141,700$1,1190.79%
St. Louis city$174,100$1,8851.08%
St. Louis County$249,400$3,1011.24%
Ste. Genevieve County$197,600$1,3330.67%
Stoddard County$123,000$8240.67%
Stone County$220,400$1,0710.49%
Sullivan County$91,400$7280.80%
Taney County$175,100$1,1090.63%
Texas County$120,800$6570.54%
Vernon County$127,800$9370.73%
Warren County$227,000$1,7600.78%
Washington County$112,300$6590.59%
Wayne County$110,000$5980.54%
Webster County$185,100$1,0540.57%
Worth County$88,100$7080.80%
Wright County$141,600$5770.41%

Want to learn more about your mortgage payments? Check out our mortgage payment calculator.

St. Louis County

Missouri’s most populous county, St. Louis County has the highest property tax rate of any county in Missouri. The county’s average effective property tax rate is 1.24%, well above both state and national averages. It also has quite a high median home value at $249,400 compared to elsewhere in the state. A typical resident here pays an annual property tax bill of $3,101. That ranks it among the most expensive counties in Missouri when it comes to property tax payments.

If you have questions about how property taxes can affect your overall financial plans, a financial advisor in St. Louis can help you out.

Jackson County

Jackson County is located in western Missouri and is a part of the Kansas City metropolitan area. The average effective tax rate in Jackson County is 1.19%, which is second highest in the state of Missouri.

St. Charles County

The typical homeowner in St. Charles County pays $3,196 annually in property taxes, the highest amount of any county in Missouri. That's also nearly $1,400 higher than the state average.

Clay County

Situated on the Missouri River north of Kansas City, Clay County has one of the highest property tax rates of any county in Missouri. The average effective tax rate in Clay County is 1.15%. At that rate, the annual taxes due on a home with a median value of $237,200 would be $2,733.

Jefferson County

This eastern Missouri county has among the lowest property tax rates of any county in the St. Louis area. Jefferson County’s average effective property tax rate is 0.86%, which is less than the rates of St. Louis County and St. Charles County.

Boone County

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Boone County is located in central Missouri and is home to the state’s fifth-largest city, Columbia. The median annual property tax in Boone County is $2,181, while the effective tax rate is 0.92%.

Jasper County

If you want to buy a home in Missouri, but don’t want to pay much in property taxes, Jasper County may be a good place to look. The median annual property tax payment in Jasper County is $1,107. Rates in Jasper County are likewise relatively low. The county’s average effective tax rate is 0.75%.

Franklin County

One of the most populous counties in Missouri, Franklin County has property tax rates above the state average. The county’s effective property tax rate is 0.84%. At that rate, the typical homeowner pays $1,697 annually in property taxes.

Cass County

Located in western Missouri, the Cass County effective property tax rate is 0.91%. That's about the national average. Meanwhile, the median property tax bill here is around $2,212 per year.

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