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How to Invest in the Solar Industry


The solar industry offers a unique intersection of sustainability and profitability. With the International Energy Agency (IEA) reporting in 2020 that solar is now the “cheapest electricity in history,” the sector may present enticing investment opportunities for some. But, like any venture, investing in solar power requires a solid grasp of the industry, its various products and services and types of investments. A financial advisor can also help you assess investment opportunities throughout the solar industry. 

What Is the Solar Industry?

The solar industry encompasses all activities related to the generation, distribution and utilization of solar energy. It includes the manufacturing and implementation of the following key components:

  • Grid Integration and Smart Technology: Systems and software that help integrate solar power into the existing electrical grid, manage energy flow, and optimize performance.
  • Solar Panels: Companies that produce photovoltaic (PV) panels, which convert sunlight into electricity. This includes the creation of silicon wafers, cells and modules.
  • Solar Thermal Systems: Technologies that use sunlight to generate thermal energy (heat), which can be used for heating water, space heating, or power generation through concentrated solar power (CSP) systems.
  • Inverters and Balance of System (BOS) Components: Devices that convert the DC electricity produced by solar panels into AC electricity that can be used by the power grid. This category also includes mounting systems, wiring and other components necessary for a complete solar power system.
  • Energy Storage Solutions: Technologies such as batteries that store solar energy for use when the sun is not shining, ensuring a reliable power supply.

Steadily growing in prominence, the solar industry has ridden the wave of mounting climate change concerns and calls for renewable energy sources. Involving a spectrum of products and services, the solar industry ranges from the production of solar panels and solar-fuelled technology to supplying solar energy to consumers and businesses. As a sustainable energy source, solar power is not merely an environment-friendly choice – it’s increasingly being adopted as a cost-effective solution.

Types of Solar Products

Rows of sustainable energy solar panels set up on the farmland.

Investing in the solar sector may require an understanding of the various products and services that comprise the industry. Here’s a look at some of the most prominent types of solar products and services:

Solar Panels

No product is more associated with the industry than solar panels. Keep in mind that solar panels are diverse and have various applications. For instance, monocrystalline solar panels are crafted from a single crystal structure and boast high-efficiency rates due to their uniform composition. While slightly costlier to manufacture, their impressive performance in limited spaces makes them a preferred choice for residential installations.

Polycrystalline solar panels, which are characterized by their distinctive blue hue, offer an economical alternative. These panels are manufactured from multiple crystal fragments, making them simpler to produce and thus more budget-friendly. Though slightly less efficient than their monocrystalline counterparts, they continue to power countless homes effectively.

Thin-film solar panels, meanwhile, are lightweight and flexible, allowing unconventional applications like solar-integrated roofing. However, their lower efficiency often prompts larger installations.

Solar Panel Installation

Companies specializing in the installation of solar panels play an important part in the industry. Efficient solar panel installation requires careful planning and execution – everything from selecting the proper location to eventually mounting, wiring and connecting the panels. The Department of Energy recommends homeowners work with a certified professional who’s recognized by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP). 

Solar Facilities

Beyond the panels, entire facilities that generate solar energy are a vital component of the industry, as well. These can be large-scale complexes like solar farms – vast expanses of solar panels often situated in open rural areas – or small-scale facilities like solar water heating systems and solar desalination units. 

As electric vehicles (EVs) become more common on the roads, so too with solar charging stations. These systems harness sunlight to power EVs, reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation.

Research for New Solar Products

The quest for more efficient and accessible solar products has propelled research into intriguing territories. As the backbone of solar technology, photovoltaic cells are undergoing rapid transformation. Engineers are tirelessly working to enhance their efficiency, aiming to convert sunlight into electricity with unprecedented yield. Cutting-edge materials and novel designs are at the forefront of these efforts.

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are another area of development. BIPV seamlessly blend solar elements with building materials, like solar windows and solar shingles. This integration not only generates clean energy but also aims to transform structures into eco-friendly powerhouses, revolutionizing urban landscapes.

Solar Investment Options 

A father points to the solar panels on his family home and explains how they work to his daughter.

Now that you’re familiar with the different products and services within the solar industry, there are several avenues for investing in these businesses. You can purchase shares of a company stock, including solar panel manufacturers. You can also buy exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or index funds that invest in solar companies. And lastly, you can invest directly in private businesses involved in the production of solar power. 

1. Solar Stocks

The increasing emphasis on reducing carbon footprints has propelled the demand for solar energy solutions. This surge in demand has a direct correlation to the growth potential of solar industry stocks. As companies continue to develop more efficient solar panels, energy storage solutions and smart grid technologies, investors may see substantial advancements that could positively impact the stocks of innovative solar companies.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge the potential risks with solar stocks. As with any investment, market volatility can impact solar industry stocks. Factors like changes in government policies, fluctuations in energy prices and competition within the renewable sector can influence stock performance. Therefore, investors should conduct thorough research and consider diversification strategies to mitigate risks.

2. Solar-Based Index Funds and ETFs

Index funds and ETFs are investment tools that provide exposure to a diversified range of assets, in this case, companies operating within the solar energy sector. Solar industry index funds and ETFs compile a selection of stocks from various solar-related companies, such as manufacturers of solar panels, developers of solar projects and providers of solar technology.

3. Private Businesses

Lastly, private businesses within the solar sector may also present investment opportunities. Some of these firms have been instrumental in driving innovation, promoting sustainability and reshaping the energy landscape. However, they’re more difficult for people to invest in compared to public companies and solar-focused ETFs. You’ll likely need status as an accredited investor and potentially, significant capital, to directly purchase shares of a private company.

Considerations of Investing in Solar

Just like any investment, entering the solar industry comes with potential benefits and risks. The primary lures are the rewarding opportunity of facilitating a sustainable future and the potential profit that the industry’s expansion presents. Furthermore, government incentives and policies in support of renewable energy can craft a favorable canvas for solar investments.

But the ramifications of governmental policy alterations, the instability in raw materials prices and the inherent volatility often associated with a relatively new industry can pose challenges. An advisable strategy to buffer these uncertainties is diversification – allocating investments across diverse solar companies or funds, rather than going all-in on a single venture. This can spread the risk and potentially lead to steady returns over time. 

Bottom Line

Investing in the solar industry brings an attractive prospect of contributing to a sustainable future while reaping possible benefits from its growth. Before investing in the solar power sector, familiarize yourself with the different products and services within the industry. You’ll also want to consider the various ways to add solar exposure to your portfolio, including stocks, ETFs and index funds or even direct investments in private businesses. 

Investing Tips

  • A financial advisor can provide expert advice to guide your investment decisions. Finding a financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goal, get started now.
  • A long-term view of your portfolio can help you make better investment decisions. SmartAsset’s investment calculator can help you estimate how much you investments could be worth over different periods of time. 

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