- What Is Short-Term or Temporary Guardianship?
Short-term or temporary guardianship is a legal arrangement in which a designated guardian is given the authority to care for a child for a specific period. This type of guardianship is often used in situations where the child’s parents are unable to provide care due to circumstances such as illness, military service or emergencies. Unlike permanent… read more…
- 9 Estate Planning Strategies to Consider
Estate planning can help you manage your assets in life, and minimize taxes and legal complications for your beneficiaries after death. Comprehensive strategies typically include wills to distribute assets upon death, trusts to manage assets for beneficiaries, and powers of attorney to designate individuals who can make financial and healthcare decisions on your behalf. If… read more…
- How to Avoid Probate in Maine
Avoiding probate in Maine can help those looking to streamline the transfer of assets after their passing. Probate can be a lengthy and costly process, involving court supervision of the estate’s distribution. Understanding how to avoid probate in Maine can help individuals ensure that their assets are transferred smoothly to heirs without unnecessary delays or… read more…
- How to Avoid Probate in Alaska
For many individuals who plan on transferring assets after their passing, it’s important to avoid probate in Alaska. Probate can be a time-consuming and costly process involving the court’s supervision when it comes to distributing the deceased’s estate. By understanding how to avoid probate in Alaska, individuals can ensure that their assets are transferred directly… read more…
- How Much Probate Costs in Utah
The process of going through probate can incur fees and other expenses, which can impact the estate’s value. Knowing how much probate costs in Utah can help executors, administrators and beneficiaries plan and manage the estate. Or, if you’re setting up an estate, maybe you decide to explore options that will help your heirs avoid… read more…
- How Much Probate Costs in Pennsylvania
Probate is the legal process through which a deceased person’s assets are distributed to their beneficiaries. Whether you’re preparing to manage the estate of a loved one, or want to set up your own estate to avoid probate, it’s important to understand the associated costs. How much probate costs in Pennsylvania varies depending on the… read more…
- How to Fill Out a Small Estate Affidavit Form
Filling out a small estate affidavit form can simplify the process of transferring a deceased person’s assets without the need for a lengthy probate procedure. This form is typically used when the estate’s value is below a certain threshold, which varies by state. To complete the small estate affidavit form, you’ll need essential details about… read more…
- Completing a Small Estate Affidavit in Colorado
Completing a small estate affidavit in Colorado allows heirs to claim a deceased person’s assets without the need for a lengthy probate procedure. This is available for many Colorado estates valued at or below $82,000 in 2024 and involves filling out a specific form and providing necessary documentation, such as a death certificate. The small… read more…
- How Much Does Probate Cost in Colorado?
Probate costs in Colorado can vary significantly based on several factors, including the size and complexity of the estate, as well as attorney and court fees. Typically, probate costs in Colorado include court filing fees, which often range from a few hundred to several hundred dollars, attorney fees that may be charged hourly or as… read more…
- How Much Does Probate Cost in Louisiana?
In Louisiana, probate costs can differ widely depending on the estate’s value and complexity. When considering how much probate costs, you should account for common expenses like court filing fees, attorney fees, executor fees and other administrative costs. Even modestly sized estates may pay around $5,000 and costs can rise to five or even six… read more…
- How to Avoid Probate in Connecticut
Avoiding probate can save your beneficiaries time, reduce costs and protect their privacy while your estate is being settled. You can keep your Connecticut estate out of the probate court system by using several strategies. Common approaches include creating a living trust, naming beneficiaries on financial accounts and jointly owning property. Here’s what you need… read more…
- How to Avoid Probate in Nevada
Avoiding probate in Nevada can simplify the process of transferring assets after death, saving time and money for your loved ones. Going through probate, on the other hand, can significantly reduce the size of the estate due to fees and other costs, while delaying the delivery of financial benefits to heirs and beneficiaries. There are… read more…
- Who Owns the Property When There Is a Life Estate?
A life estate provides a way to split the ownership of an asset and is useful for estate planning purposes. By creating joint ownership of an asset such as a family home, a typical life estate allows one person called the life tenant to live in the home and enjoy limited rights of ownership and… read more…
- Does a New Will Revoke an Old Will?
A common question that comes up when preparing an estate is, “Does a new will override an old will?” In short, yes, writing a new will can cancel a preexisting will. However, to reduce the likelihood of problems when settling an estate, a new will should be written correctly to revoke the old will. It’s… read more…
- Does a Life Estate Override a Will?
One common question that can come up in estate planning is: Does a life estate override a will? A will is a legal document outlining how someone’s property is to be distributed after their death. A life estate gives the owner of a property the right to live in or otherwise use the property while… read more…
- How Much Probate Attorneys Can Cost
Like all professional services, an attorney’s fees can vary widely. In general, attorneys will charge based on either an hourly rate, a flat fee or a commission structure. The nature of billing often depends on the nature of the services involved. Probate is no different, although sometimes the fees are influenced by state law, so… read more…
- Estate Planning for Veterans and Their Families
Veterans, like other civilians, should consider making an estate plan to manage and protect their assets, provide for their families and make sure that their benefits and wishes are honored in the event of incapacity or death. Additionally, certain benefits like pensions and insurance should be considered in their estate plans. Working with a financial… read more…
- Top 10 Estate Planning Questions and Answers
Having an FAQ on hand can help you ask the right questions for your estate plan. These common answers and questions could be used to clarify complex concepts, guide decision-making and align your estate plan with your goals and legal requirements. If you need help creating an estate plan, a financial advisor can guide you in… read more…
- Overview of Estate Planning for Blended Families
Blended families face unique challenges when it comes to estate planning, as they must consider the needs and rights of both biological and stepfamily members. Effective estate planning for blended families involves carefully balancing financial and emotional priorities to protect all parties involved. Whether it’s through creating wills, establishing trusts or designating beneficiaries, the goal… read more…
- Estate Planning for an Irresponsible Child
Planning an estate for an irresponsible child can require careful consideration to protect assets and ensure the child’s future well-being. One effective strategy is to set up a trust, which allows you to appoint a trustee to manage funds. Another option is designating a durable power of attorney to handle financial matters, which can provide… read more…
- How to Build Charitable Giving Into Your Estate Plan
You might want to build charitable giving into your estate plan to support causes that you care about, reduce estate taxes and create a lasting legacy of philanthropy. To do this, you must include provisions such as bequests in your will, set up charitable trusts, or designate charities as beneficiaries of retirement accounts or life… read more…
- Guide to Estate Planning for Artists and Art Owners
Artists and art owners face unique estate planning considerations that go beyond traditional plans. These can include managing intellectual property rights, valuing art collections and ensuring the transfer of creative works to heirs. Artists must account for their artistic legacy, addressing copyright protection and potential future earnings from their work. Art owners should focus on… read more…
- Guide to Estate Planning for Doctors and Physicians
Estate planning for doctors and physicians involves unique considerations due to their high earning potential, complex asset structures and potential liabilities. Balancing patient care responsibilities with financial planning can be challenging, but creating a comprehensive estate plan can safeguard assets, reduce tax burdens and provide for loved ones. Physicians often face additional concerns, such as… read more…
- How to Create an Estate Plan That Includes Your Pets
For those working on an estate plan, the fate of their beloved animal companions might also be a consideration. By creating an estate plan specifically for your pets, you can help protect their well-being and maintain continuity of their care in the event of your passing or incapacity. If you’d like someone to walk you… read more…
- Succession and Estate Planning for Farmers
Farmers face unique challenges and opportunities when it comes to estate planning, such as succession planning and land ownership or preservation, as well as the management of agricultural assets. Estate planning for farmers can help make the transition of farm ownership and management smooth from one generation to the next. By addressing potential challenges ahead… read more…