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Guide to Investing in Out-of-State Real Estate


Investing in out-of-state real estate can offer diverse opportunities and potentially higher returns compared to local markets. By exploring properties in different regions, investors can take advantage of emerging markets, lower property prices and varied economic conditions. However, it’s important to thoroughly research market trends, local regulations and property management options wherever you plan to invest. Out-of-state real estate investing requires a strategic approach, including building a reliable network of local professionals to ensure smooth operations and manage your investments.

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Reasons to Invest in Out-of-State Real Estate

There are several reasons you might consider investing in real estate in another state. Below are some of the primary benefits of doing so:

  • Potential for higher returns: Many investors find that properties in other states, particularly those with emerging markets and lower costs of living, can offer better rental yields and appreciation potential compared to their local markets.
  • Diversification: By spreading investments across different geographic locations, you reduce the risk associated with market downturns in any single area. This strategy helps balance your portfolio and can provide more stable returns over time.
  • Investing in growing markets: Economic and population growth in certain regions can also be appealing. States with booming industries, job growth and increasing populations often experience rising property values and rental demands. Investing in these areas can position you to benefit from long-term economic trends.
  • Tax advantages: Some states offer more favorable real estate laws and tax benefits, which can enhance your investment returns. For example, states with no income tax or lower property taxes can make your investments more profitable.
  • Capitalizing on market cycles: While your local market might be in a downturn, other states might be experiencing growth, enabling you to seize opportunities that aren’t available in your immediate vicinity.

Risks of Investing in Real Estate in Other States

An aerial shot of the Cincinnati skyline.

Despite the benefits of out-of-state real estate investing, there are risks, too. Be aware of the following potential challenges of investing in real estate in other states:

  • Lack of local market knowledge: Understanding the nuances of a local market, including neighborhood trends, school districts and local amenities, requires in-depth research and often, first-hand experience. Without this knowledge, making informed investment decisions is difficult.
  • Reliance on third-party property management: When investing in another state, you may not have the ability to manage the property yourself. Instead, you may need to depend on property management companies. It can be difficult to assess their competence and trustworthiness without being on the ground. Poor property management can lead to maintenance issues, tenant dissatisfaction, and ultimately, a decline in property value. 
  • Travel expenses: Regular visits to oversee the property, handle maintenance issues or address tenant concerns can be costly and time-consuming. This added expense can eat into profits and make the investment less profitable over time.
  • Legal and regulatory differences: Each state has its own set of real estate laws, zoning regulations and tax policies. Navigating these can be complex, and failing to comply can result in fines, legal disputes or other complications.
  • Market volatility: Real estate markets can fluctuate based on economic conditions, and being out of state can make it harder to stay ahead of these changes. An investment that looks promising today might suffer if the local economy declines or if there are shifts in employment rates or demographic trends.

Out-of-State Real Estate Investing Strategies

Investing in property in another state can diversify your portfolio, and there’s more than one way to do it. Here are some strategies you may consider for investing in real estate in another state.

Direct Ownership

Purchasing rental properties directly is a common strategy. This involves buying residential or commercial properties in another state and renting them out. If you go this route, conduct thorough research on the local market, property values and rental demand. If you live far away from your rentals, you’ll likely need to hire a reliable local property manager to handle maintenance, tenant relations and rent collection.

Turnkey Properties

Turnkey properties are renovated, ready-to-rent homes that are managed by professional companies. Often, these properties don’t need any immediate repairs or updates. The management company handles all operational aspects, making it a hands-off investment. This strategy is attractive for those looking to generate passive income without extensive involvement.

Real Estate Syndications

In syndications, multiple investors pool their resources to purchase larger properties or real estate portfolios. These can include apartment complexes, commercial buildings or mixed-use developments. A syndicator or sponsor generally oversees the investment, taking charge of acquiring the property, managing it, and eventually coordinating its sale. This allows investors to participate in high-value deals with potentially higher returns, even with a smaller individual investment.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

REITs offer a way to invest in real estate in other states without owning physical property. These publicly traded companies own, manage, or finance real estate assets that generate income across different sectors. By buying shares in a REIT, investors can access a diversified real estate portfolio, enjoying the advantages of professional management and liquidity.

Out-of-State House Flipping

Flipping involves buying properties at a lower price, renovating them and selling them for a profit. When flipping an out-of-state property, partnering with reliable local contractors and real estate agents is important. This strategy requires careful market analysis to ensure the property’s location enables a profitable resale after renovations.

Remote Vacation Rentals

Investing in vacation rental properties in popular tourist destinations can be a lucrative investment. You can rent these properties out to travelers on a short-term basis. Platforms like Airbnb and VRBO can make it easier to manage bookings and market the property. A local management company can handle cleaning, maintenance and guest services, ensuring a smooth operation without your regular presence.

How To Invest in Out-Of-State Real Estate

A real estate investor speaks with a real estate agent in another state about a property she's interested in purchasing.

Investing in real estate outside your home state can be lucrative, but it requires careful planning and local insight. Here are some tips to help you succeed in out-of-state real estate investing:

  • Research the market: Analyze trends in property values, rental demand and economic factors. Look at job growth, population changes and local amenities to gauge the area’s potential for growth and profitability.
  • Build a reliable team: Assemble a team of local professionals, including a reputable real estate agent, a property manager and a local attorney. Strong relationships with contractors and inspectors are also beneficial.
  • Visit the property: Visiting the property provides first-hand insight that you can’t get remotely. It allows you to assess the neighborhood, meet local contacts and inspect the property condition.
  • Evaluate property management options: Decide whether to hire a local property management company or manage it yourself. Weigh the costs and services offered, and check out reviews of different management companies.
  • Understand local laws and regulations: Familiarize yourself with local regulations to avoid legal issues. Consult with a local attorney or real estate expert to get clarity on state-specific laws.
  • Analyze the numbers: Do a thorough financial analysis before making a purchase. Make sure the expected rental income covers expenses and provides a return on investment.
  • Leverage technology: Use technology like property management software, virtual tours and online payment systems to manage your investment efficiently from a distance.

Bottom Line

Exploring real estate opportunities in other states offers the potential for diverse investment benefits and higher returns. By venturing beyond local markets, investors can leverage emerging areas and lower property prices. However, thorough research, strategic planning and a strong network of local professionals are key to navigating the complexities of out-of-state investments. 

Tax Tips for Real Estate Investors

  • Mortgage interest is one of the most significant tax deductions available to real estate investors. In addition to mortgage interest, you can deduct other property-related expenses such as property management fees, repairs, maintenance, insurance and property taxes. Keeping detailed records of all expenses associated with your investment properties will help you claim these deductions and reduce your overall tax burden.
  • A financial advisor with tax planning expertise help you identify all eligible deductions and optimize your tax strategy. Finding a financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

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