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Tanza Loudenback, CFP®

Tanza Loudenback, CFP®, is a freelance writer and editor based in Los Angeles. A former correspondent at Business Insider, she specializes in simplifying personal finance concepts and analyzing news for mass audiences with the goal of informing and inspiring people to make smart decisions with their money.

Posts by Tanza Loudenback, CFP®

Ask an Advisor: Should I Cash Out My Annuities?
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: Should I Cash Out My Annuities?

I have a significant sum invested in several annuities. I would like to switch that money into index funds and pay taxes as the money is withdrawn. Is this recommended? How would I do this? -Vlad Transferring any amount of… read more…

Tanza Loudenback, CFP®
Financial Advisor

Ask an Advisor: Do I Need Life Insurance Once My Children Are Grown?

Do I need to carry life insurance after my children have reached adult age? If so, what type makes the most sense? – Greg Becoming an empty nester is a prime time to re-evaluate your life insurance needs.  Life insurance… read more…

Tanza Loudenback, CFP®
Tax & Legal

Ask an Advisor: How Can I Maximize Growth and Minimize Taxes in Retirement?

Are there investment strategies that take into consideration growth and taxation post-retirement? – Julie One of the keys to maximizing growth and minimizing taxes in retirement is to pair the least tax-advantaged securities with the most tax-advantaged accounts. The point is to neutralize the immediate tax impact on your portfolio while still allowing for capital… read more…

Tanza Loudenback, CFP®
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: I’m Way Behind on Retirement Savings. What Do I Do?

I turn 58 this year and am at a loss for what to do or how to plan for my retirement. I only have a small amount of money invested through previous employers, and I’m not sure how to save now that I am self-employed. I am really concerned about my retirement but don’t know… read more…

Tanza Loudenback, CFP®
Financial Advisor

Ask an Advisor: Do I Really Need a Trust?

I retired a few years ago and have a will and power of attorney, a reasonably good-sized net worth, mutual funds, annuities, cash, a home with no mortgage and a long-term health policy. I’ve read about trusts, but I’m still not clear on the pluses and minuses of setting one up. Why is that better… read more…

Tanza Loudenback, CFP®
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: Should I Get an Annuity Now, or Wait for Better Rates?

I have just turned 60 years old and am interested in a QLAC. Is it worthwhile to wait to see if interest rates increase in the next year or so, or should I start shopping now? Also, if I don’t live long enough to use most of my investment, is a return on death benefit… read more…