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Posts by contently

4 Car Dealer Tricks You Need to Know Before You Buy a Car

4 Car Dealer Tricks You Need to Know Before You Buy a Car

Car salespeople aren’t necessarily evil, but they’re the only people who can prevent you from getting the best price for your next car. It’s a good idea to keep these four car dealer traps in mind the next time you… read more…

401k or Roth
Personal Finance

Roth IRA or 401(k)?

You’ve got a limited pool of money to put aside for retirement. How do you choose whether a 401(k) or Roth IRA is best for you? Find out now: How should I save for retirement? Taxing Yourself: Now or Later The main difference comes down to taxes. With a 401(k), you contribute untaxed money and pay income… read more…

The Hidden Costs of That Second Home
Home Buying

The Hidden Costs of That Second Home

Tired of showing up at that pricey hotel only to find that the sheets are dirty and your no-smoking room reeks of cigarette smoke? Why not purchase a second home, a vacation home that you can control? When you hit… read more…

Past Due
Personal Finance

How Much Does a Late Payment Hurt Your Credit Score?

Paying your bills on time each month is one of the most important ways to manage your credit score, not to mention an essential part of being financially responsible. But if you have made some payments after the due date in the past, you may wonder if that’s going to affect your credit score. The answer is:… read more…

How Much Do You Really Need to Save for Emergencies?
Personal Finance

How Much Do You Really Need to Save for Emergencies?

Building an emergency fund is one of the most important financial steps we need to take, especially in today’s shaky economy. The big question for many of us, though, is how much is enough? Conventional advice says we should set aside… read more…