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Brandon Renfro, CFP®, RICP, EA

Brandon is a Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®), Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP) and Enrolled Agent (EA) with more than 10 years of experience as a financial professional. He runs his own independent financial planning firm called Belonging Wealth Management, where he helps clients plan out their retirement distributions, minimize taxes, build financial plans and more. He also holds a PhD in Finance from Hampton University, and spent years as an Assistant Professor of Finance at both Louisiana College and East Texas Baptist University. Brandon's areas of expertise include financial planning, retirement planning, taxes, Social Security, investing, annuities, general personal finance and more. His quotes have appeared in publications like Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, Business Insider and more.

Posts by Brandon Renfro, CFP®, RICP, EA

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: I’m Going to Do a Roth Conversion on $250k. Can I Use the Converted Funds to Cover the Taxes?

I want to do a Roth conversion from my traditional IRA in the amount of $250,000. It’s my understanding that I have to pay the income tax on the $250,000. Can that tax be paid from the funds in the IRA or do I have to pay the tax outside of the IRA? – Kevin… read more…

Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: I Feel ‘Uneasy With My Advisor.’ Can I Switch?

How often can I change advisors who manage my assets? I just started in May and I feel uneasy with my advisor. – Maricor I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling good about your current advisor. The good news is that while there are some practical limitations to consider, there really aren’t any restrictions… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: We Earn $350K+ Per Year and Can’t Contribute to a Roth IRA. Do We Have to Wait Until We Retire to Do Roth Conversions?

Because of our income bracket – we make over $350,000 per year – we cannot contribute to a Roth anymore. We’re 61 and 62, and planning to work until at least 67. Do we qualify to convert our 401(k)s into Roths a little at a time or do we have to wait until we retire?… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: When Will I Get the Most Social Security and My Wife Will Get Her Spousal Benefit?

I am the only eligible Social Security recipient in our marriage. My wife, at this point, will never have enough credits. I am 61 and my wife is 68. At what age would we get the most in Social Security where I get my social Security and my wife gets her spousal amount? – Tim… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: I’m Getting Divorced 5 Years Before Retirement. What Should I Do?

I’m 60 and plan to retire at 64 or 65, but I’m going through a divorce (my ex-wife will keep the house). Right now, my pension at work (I won’t receive Social Security) would provide me around 73% of my current gross income. If I wait a few more years, it will be a bit… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: Is It Smart to Pay Off My Mortgage With My 401(k) to Free Up $800 Each Month?

Is it smart to pay off my mortgage with money from my 401(k) and save $800 more per month? The mortgage balance is $60,000. – Robert Many people consider paying off their mortgage to be a “must do” before retiring. While there are benefits to this approach, there are also tradeoffs, so it’s good that… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: Can We Afford to Retire When the Kids Turn 18? We Have $1.85M in Savings

My wife and I are 30 and 34. We have $950,000 in Roth IRAs, $900,000 in mutual funds and five-year CDs and we own our home worth $600,000. We have zero debt. I feel like we have to keep saving and investing to have a financially secure future, but my wife wants to live more… read more…

Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: We’re Inheriting a House. How Can We Avoid Capital Gains Tax When We Sell It?

My spouse will inherit her father’s house outright upon death and wants to sell it immediately. Would she be subjected to capital gains tax (above the $250,000 exclusion) on the sale and would it matter if only she is on the deed? Or would it make sense to have both of us on the deed to… read more…

A woman calls the Social Security Administration about her benefit.
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: I Kept Working After Claiming Social Security. Will a Recent Raise Increase My Benefits?

I’m 69 and began to collect Social Security when I hit my full retirement age in April 2021, but I’m still working fulltime and making a good income. My salary is 2.5 times what I was making four years ago. Social Security has annually adjusted my monthly check every April based on my increased earnings… read more…

A couple meets with an estate planner.
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: I Need an Estate Planner But I Have Trust Issues With Financial Advisors. What Should I Do?

I’m single, 85 years old and I need a financial estate planner, as well as an attorney for a will. All of my investments are in mutual funds that I’ve managed myself through the years, mainly because I’ve had bad (and costly) experiences with both financial advisors and lawyers. I, therefore, keep my financial situation to… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Should We Use Cash to Buy Our $1.2M Retirement Home After Selling Our Business?

I’m 63 and totally disabled. My wife owns and operates a family business on a property that we own with no mortgage. Our plan is to sell the business for $795,000 and rent the property for $6,000 a month. We also currently have $1.2 million in the stock market, $400,000 in CDs and high-yield savings… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Which Investments Are Better Off in My IRA vs. Roth IRA vs. Brokerage Account?

How do I know which of my investments are better off in my IRA, Roth IRA or brokerage account? -Peter It’s great that you’re considering this – many people overlook the importance of where to hold different investments. Often, this is due to a lack of awareness about how significantly it can impact overall returns.… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

I Expect to Live to 100. Should I Convert Some of My $1.4 Million into a Roth at Age 63?

I’m a single woman with no children, turning 63 years old this year but my family has longevity so I’m using 100 years old as my life expectancy mark for retirement planning. I have a combined portfolio of $200,000 in a 5% money market, and $1.4 million in stocks in a 401(k) (mostly dividend stocks)… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

How Can I Do a Roth Conversion in Retirement If I Don’t Have Earned Income?

In a previous article about Roth conversions, an advisor wrote: “For many folks, a prime time for Roth conversions takes place during the years after retirement but before Social Security and RMDs kick in. Those can be relatively low-income years during which initiating a conversion can result in a triple benefit. Those benefits are: lower… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Should I Invest in Real Estate or the Stock Market? I’m 68 and Selling a $750k Property

I’m 68 and selling vacant real estate that is worth about $750,000. Is it better to reinvest the money by doing a 1031 exchange for income producing real estate or invest in the stock market? I’m already taking Social Security and only have about $100,000 in other liquid assets. I don’t have much other income, maybe… read more…

Ask an Advisor

I’m Selling Inherited Artwork to Pay for Graduate School for My Grandchild. How Can I Limit the Taxes?

Decades ago, I inherited a valuable piece of art, and I’m now considering selling it to finance a grandchild’s graduate degree that will cost $80,000. What do I need to consider in regard to taxes? Do I sell the piece and pay taxes? Then I could give the money to my grandchild over two years… read more…

Financial Advisor

I Make $310k and Have $550k in My 401(k). Should I Get Variable Universal Life Insurance?

Is contributing to a variable universal life insurance policy a good idea? I’m 39 with a $310,000 annual income. I have $550,000 in a 401(k), $13,000 in an HSA, $25,000 in cash savings and a $42,000 investment account balance. I don’t have any student loans or credit card debt I maxed out my annual 401(k) contributions last… read more…

Ask an Advisor

Will Doing $7k in Annual Roth Conversions Lead to Higher Social Security Benefits?

If we roll over $7,000 per yr from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA for the next four years (which is when we will receive full Social Security), could it bump up the amount that we receive in Social Security? I realize that we would pay taxes on that rollover, but I was wondering… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: My Advisor Wants Me to Put 50% of My Money in Annuities. Is That Too Much?

My advisor is recommending I put over 50% of my portfolio in annuities. What say you? – Georgia As with most personal finance decisions, a lot hinges on the specific details of your situation. Fifty percent would likely be on the high side for most people, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be the right… read more…

Financial advisor and columnist Brandon Renfro
Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: Should I Cash Out My $200k in Annuities and Buy a Rental Property That Will Bring in $1,500 Per Month?

I’ve already retired and I’ve got $200,000 in annuities and I’m 60 years old. Should I get a monthly income from my annuities (which will be about $1,000 or withdraw all of the annuities, pay the 30% tax and invest in a rental property and use that money — approximately $1,500 — for an income?… read more…

Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: I Plan to Retire Abroad But Need Another $300k-$400k. How Can I Get There?

I’m divorced three times, retired from the military and plan to retire from civil service in about four years at 64 years old. I have $150,000 in a thrift savings plan. I’m saving $900 monthly in this account and would be happy if it grew to $300,000 to $400,000. I’m also starting to put $600… read more…

Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: I’m 60 With $65k in Pension Income and $100k in My IRA. Is a Roth Conversion Worth It?

I’m 60 and I would like to convert some money from my regular IRA to a Roth. I’m aware that the earnings are subject to penalty before five years but I won’t need that money until at least age 70. Is it advisable to do so? My annual income from a pension is $65,000 and… read more…

Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: Can I Tell My Advisor to Mimic His Portfolio? We’ll Both ‘Smell Like a Rose or Go Down Like the Titanic’

While I can understand that a financial advisor’s life is private, is there a “proper way” to ask your advisor to invest your money in the same things he or she invests in? My feeling is that either both you and the advisor will come out smelling like a rose … or both of you are… read more…

Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: My RMDs Start Soon So I’m Converting $700k to a Roth, But I’m Getting Conflicting Info About Having to Wait Five Years

I’m 68 and recently retired and have about $1.4 million in accounts intended for retirement ($1.2 million in a Traditional IRA and $110K in a Roth). I also am receiving about $47,000 annually in Social Security benefits. My RMDs are scheduled to start in 2027, and as a result, my financial advisor and I are… read more…

Ask an Advisor

Ask an Advisor: Will $25k in Annuity Payments Cut My $50k RMD in Half?

I’m in my mid-70s and I’m considering purchasing an immediate single premium lifetime annuity for myself using a portion of my regular IRA account as the source of the premium I would be paying. Having been notified of my 2024 RMD based on the Dec. 31, 2023, balance (assume the RMD is $50,000), do the… read more…