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Anna Miller

Anna Miller is a former Editor at SmartAsset. Her areas of expertise include home buying and saving money. Anna has degrees from Princeton University and Hunter College.

Posts by Anna Miller

SmartAsset Mortgage Dictionary
Mortgage Basics

Mortgage Dictionary: Learn the Lingo of Loan-speak

Welcome to the SmartAsset Mortgage Dictionary. Below you will find a glossary of popular terms explained in plain English. No need to thank us, this is just what we do. Compare refinance mortgages APR Annual percentage rate: This number allows you to make comparisons between loans offered by different lenders by giving you the total… read more…

How to Decide Between Fixed Rate and Variable Rate Mortgages
Mortgage Basics

How to Decide Between Fixed Rate and Variable Rate Mortgages

Once you have decided that you would like to buy a home, the first thing you need to do is figure out how to ‘finance’ the purchase. This means deciding how much of your savings you are going to use as a down payment, how much money you want to borrow (the mortgage) and choosing… read more…

What Is a Mortgage Broker?

What Is a Mortgage Broker?

There are some bad feelings about mortgage brokers left over from the housing bubble and what seems to be at the root of the issue is a dearth of honest advice. Indeed, working with a broker isn’t always easy and sometimes their interests don’t correspond with your own. On the other hand, working with brokers can… read more…

Mortgage Basics

Should you buy points on your mortgage?

You probably already know that the interest rate you pay is among the most important factors contributing to the cost of your mortgage.  The lower the interest rate you can get, the better for you and your finances.  You may also know that points have something to do with the interest rate you end up getting with… read more…

new york state real estate transfer tax

Real Estate Transfer Taxes in New York

When you buy a home or other piece of real estate, you’ll have to deal with certain taxes and closing costs and the real estate transfer tax is one of these costs. Whenever there is an exchange of real estate, the… read more…