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10 Blogs and Bloggers for Financial Advisors to Read


Staying up to date on the latest industry trends and news is important as an advisor and it’s helpful to have a go-to list of sources for information. That might include reading financial advisor magazines, listening to podcasts, or keeping up with top bloggers in the advisory space. If you’re looking for some new financial advisor blog titles to add to your reading list, here are some of some sites to bookmark now.

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10 Financial Advisor Blog Reads

The landscape of financial advisor blogs is extensive and varied, covering topics like investment strategies, market analysis, economic trends and political impacts. Each blog offers unique perspectives and expert advice, potentially making them essential reads for advisors looking to enhance their knowledge and service to clients.

1. The Big Picture

Founded by Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture has been covering finance for two decades and receives more than half a million visits from readers each month. Topics are far-reaching, as Ritholtz tackles everything from real estate to hedge funds to behavioral finance. If you’re looking for insights from other thought leaders, you can also tune in to the Masters In Business podcast, where Ritholtz interviews some of the brightest minds in the business and finance space.

2. Nerd’s Eye View

Nerd’s Eye View is the creation of Michael Kitces and it’s consistently rated as one of the best blogs for financial advisors. Kitces takes deep dives into strategies and techniques that advisors can use to better serve their clients. You’ll also find the latest industry news and updates covered here. Kitces hosts the Financial Advisor Success podcast as a companion to the Nerd’s Eye View blog, and advisors who are looking to increase exposure for their business can apply to be a guest.

3. The Reformed Broker

Joshua M. Brown is a financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC and the author of The Reformed Broker blog. Brown’s style combines factual research with humor (and a touch of sarcasm) as he covers the latest market news and economic trends. If you’re interested in tuning in to a business and investing podcast, you can also check out The Compound & Friends where Brown, Michael Batnick and a recurring guest list discuss the biggest trends and news from the week.

4. Mish Talk

Written by Mike “Mish” Shedlock, this financial advisor blog is focused primarily on two topics: economics and politics. If you’re interested in topics like how changes to the gross domestic product might influence the odds of a recession or what’s happening with the housing market, you’ll find those kinds of updates here. Shedlock posts daily and sometimes multiple times per day, so there’s a steady stream of up-to-date content to absorb.

5. Meb Faber Research

An advisor reading a financial blog

Meb Faber Research hosts transcript versions of The Faber Show podcast, which you may prefer to read through if you don’t have time to listen in. The focus of the content here is primarily stock market analysis and investing. On each episode, host Meb Faber chats with financial industry experts about topics like long-term value investing, real estate and what the future of investing looks like as AI continues to disrupt industries.

6. Advisor Perspectives

Advisor Perspectives is more online magazine than a blog but it’s still worth mentioning as a must-read publication for financial advisors. Active management and fixed income are the featured topics here, but you’ll also find plenty of content covering things like practice management, tax planning and issues that are specific to registered investment advisors. You can also find resources here for earning continuing education credits to maintain financial certifications or designations.

7. Abnormal Returns

Abnormal Returns uses a round-up approach to keep advisors up to speed on what’s happening in the financial space. The site was founded by Tadas Viskanta, who is also the director of investor education at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. Each day, Viskanta aggregates the best investment new stories, articles, and blog posts from around the web, allowing advisors to choose what they’re most interested in reading.

8. Investing Caffeine

Founded by chartered financial analyst and certified financial planner Wade Slome, Investing Caffeine offers once-monthly updates on the state of the market. Slome covers the trends of the moment, with recent posts touching on topics like what the Hollywood strike might mean for the markets and the impact of the Federal Reserve’s rate strategy with regard to easing inflation. Blog readers also have an opportunity to sign up for webinars covering industry trends.

9. Alpha Architect

Alpha Architect offers insight into a wide range of topics, from the impact of ESG strategies on market movements to tips for crushing the CFP® exam. Articles are authored by a team of financial experts, several of whom come from academic backgrounds. If you’re specifically interested in academic research and insights, you’ll find both here. There’s also an extensive library of podcasts and video files to browse featuring interviews with members of the Alpha Architect team.

10. The Irrelevant Investor

Founded by Michael Batnick, The Irrelevant Investor takes an inside look at industry issues and market trends. Batnick covers the latest news and research thoroughly, with plenty of charts breaking down key information. You can also tune in to the Animal Spirits podcast, which Batnick co-hosts with colleague Ben Carlson who maintains the financial blog, A Wealth of Common Sense.

Do Financial Advisors Need a Blog?

A blogger writing about finance for advisors

Reading financial advisor blogs might have you wondering if you should start writing yourself. Starting a blog can help you establish authority and credibility while building out your advisory brand. If you’re writing a blog that’s geared toward investors, rather than other advisors, it could also help you to attract prospective clients.

Maintaining a blog can be time-consuming, however, and it requires a certain amount of strategy and planning to drive traffic to your site. You could outsource blogging tasks to someone else to save time or consider other methods for marketing your business.

Creating social media content or video content, for example, could offer a more immediate return in terms of increasing your brand visibility. The key to successfully marketing with social media is understanding where your target client base spends their time online and what type of content they tend to be most responsive to.

Automating Your Marketing and Lead Generation

Advisors who don’t have the time or knowhow to market their services and generate leads shouldn’t ignore those two vital components of business development. Instead, they may want to consider outsourcing these duties.

After all, a 2024 Broadridge survey of over 400 financial advisors found that those with a defined marketing strategy generated 168% leads from their websites and onboarded 50% more clients than advisors who lacked a clear approach to marketing.

SmartAsset AMP is an end-to-end marketing solution for fiduciary advisors, providing them with client referrals and live connections. Advisors on the platform can also take advantage of automated outreach campaigns that send emails and text messages to leads who require a longer sales process.

Bottom Line

Reading through a financial advisor blog or two can help you stay in the loop where the latest news is concerned, and you can also expand your knowledge as well. The blogs mentioned here are just some of the sites that are worth checking out if you’re looking for a way to stay connected to what’s happening in the industry and markets.

Tips for Growing Your Advisory Business

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