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Handling Indifference for Advisors


This page contains the Common Prospect Resistant Statements and a framework for handling them.

A.R.T. Framework

Here’s a few things to keep in mind before Use the A.R.T. framework to overcome objections. A.R.T. stands for:

  • (A)cknowledge
    • I’m sorry that…, I understand that…, What I’m hearing is…
  • (R)eason To Continue
    • Value Prop or Compelling Reason to Continue the Call
  • (T)ransition with a Question
    • How are you feeling about the current market?

Common Prospect Indifferences

Acknowledge & Validate: Validate the Prospect’s decision of working with an advisor and open the conversation to. Here are some examples:

  • “I already have an advisor.”
    • I understand you’re currently working with an advisor, and it’s great to hear you have support. Just out of curiosity, what do you like most about the services they’re providing you?
  • “I didn’t fill anything out.”
    • I know that I am calling out of the blue, but I am following up on the 20-30 question survey on Even if you don’t recall filling out the survey, I’d like to spend a few minutes with you to see if there’s an opportunity to secure your financial future. What is your #1 concern regarding your financial situation?
  • “I’m not interested.”
    • I know that I am calling out of the blue but I wanted to congratulate you on taking the step of filling out the survey on SA. If you don’t mind me asking, what made you fill out the survey to begin with? On average, I’ve grown my clients assets by (X) I’d love to schedule a no strings attached second opinion consultation with you. The worst case is that you spend thirty minutes to find out you’re in the best possible position and I’m sure you’d agree that getting that peace of mind would be worth that brief time. What are some good days and times next week for us to meet?
  • “I’m all set.”
    • I understand and thank you for letting me know! If I may ask, what does all set mean? (Dig in with questions) On average, I’ve grown my clients assets by (X) I’d love to schedule a no strings attached second opinion consultation with you. The worst case is that you spend thirty minutes to find out you’re in the best possible position and I’m sure you’d agree that getting that peace of mind would be worth that brief time. What are some good days and times next week for us to meet?
  • “You’re the Xth person to call me, stop.”
    • Ah, so you filled something out online and now you have three advisors jumping out of the bushes at you (Laugh). I completely get it but this is a legitimate matching program. I can tell you I wouldn’t be working with them if our goals didn’t align and SmartAsset’s mission ultimately is to help individuals like yourself make smarter financial decisions and pairing us up so you can interview me is one of the best ways to do that. Even if it means spending thirty minutes talking with me to find out you’re in the best position possible. I’m sure you’d agree that peace of mind would be worth your time. What are some good days and times next week for us to meet?

Tips to Keep in Mind

  • Tip #1: Stay confident and remember they submitted this inquiry to you.
  • Tip #2: tay calm, cool, and collected as you don’t want to give ground and want to always be selling.
  • Tip #3: Remember ABC – Always Be Closing!!