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Transitioning a Financial Advisor Firm: What to Know


The process of transitioning a financial advisor firm involves moving client relationships and assets, which often define the viability and profitability of the firm. This is done by either buying a book of business or hiring a new financial advisor who is bringing a book of business with them. For advisors, understanding this transition can help position them to seize on growth and expansion opportunities. And for clients, it offers reassurance about the continuity of service and the security of their investments. Integrating this knowledge about the transition process can add significant value to the services of advisors and benefit the investment strategies of clients. 

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What Is a Transitioning Financial Advisor Firm?

Transitioning a financial advisor firm by buying a book of business or hiring an advisor with an existing business are two different approaches to achieving growth or change within a financial advisory practice. Let’s take a look at how both works. 

Transitioning a Financial Advisor Firm By Buying a Book of Business

This method involves an existing financial advisory firm acquiring the client accounts and assets of another advisor or firm. The buyer becomes the new owner of the entire client base and is responsible for integrating it into their operations. This is typically done when the seller is exiting the industry or retiring. The buyer pays a purchase price based on various factors, and the focus is on smooth client transition and merging operations.

Transitioning a Book of Business By Hiring a Financial Advisor

In this approach, an established financial advisory firm brings in a new advisor to manage a specific set of clients. The host firm retains ownership of the client relationships while the hired advisor takes on client service and growth responsibilities. Compensation arrangements vary and the host firm provides support and infrastructure for the new advisor. This method is used to expand services without changing ownership or when the host firm wants to leverage another advisor’s expertise.

Nearly 9,700 experienced advisors changed firms in 2023, according to Diamond Consultants, a planning firm that assists financial advisors with mergers, recruitment efforts and succession planning. “For those keeping score at home, that means that despite a regional banking crisis, many significant geopolitical conflicts, and a myriad of other headwinds, advisor movement was actually up 7.5% versus 2022,” Diamond Consultants wrote in its 2023 Advisor Transition Report.

In essence, the key distinction is whether the ownership of the client base changes hands (buying a book of business) or if the ownership remains with the host firm while a new advisor is brought in to manage the clients (hiring a financial advisor). The choice between these approaches depends on the firm’s goals and the desired level of control and responsibility.

How Transitioning Works in an Advisory Firm

Transitioning within an advisory firm begins with an initial assessment of the firm’s current situation, followed by the creation of a transition plan. The plan is then executed while undergoing regular management and refinement to cope with changing circumstances. 

The role of the financial advisor who actively works with the clients becomes instrumental in the transitioning stage. Advisors can prepare for the transition by identifying potential challenges, such as maintaining client relationships and ensuring data security during systems migration. Armed with this knowledge, they can play a crucial role in guiding the firm through a successful transition.

Using Transition Deals to Recruit Advisors

A financial advisor researching how to transition her firm.

Transition deals act as strategic incentives offered by firms to attract experienced advisors. You should note that when you’re bringing in a new book of business, the firm or advisor might not get paid on these clients immediately. And consequently, advisors might want guaranteed compensation in order to attempt to bring their book of business to a new firm.

A prime example involves offering a signing bonus equal to a percentage of the advisor’s production. Additional bonuses can be tied to the successful transition of clients and assets. Understanding the method behind these deals, their potential outcomes and successful implementation strategies can help shape a firm’s standing and appeal to advisors considering a switch.

Bottom Line

Two advisors working on the transition of a financial advisor firm.

Transitioning the book of business of a financial advisory firm involves a labyrinth of steps, each demanding careful planning and strategic decisions. Therefore, it’s crucial for advisors, clients and firms to stay informed, communicate effectively and seek professional advice to ensure that they are equipped to adapt to this changing landscape.

Tips for Marketing Your Firm

  • SmartAsset AMP (Advisor Marketing Platform) is a holistic marketing service financial advisors can use for client lead generation and automated marketing. Sign up for a free demo to explore how SmartAsset AMP can help you expand your practice’s marketing operation. Get started today.
  • If you’re bringing in new business then you might find yourself with a new type of client that you aren’t familiar with. High-net-worth individuals are a common acquisition target and they can provide a great source of potential clients to find and choose from as you move forward. 

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