We are living in an age in which professionals, typically, do not spend their entire career with one company. The loyalty between employer and employee there for previous generations is no longer here, on both side of the employer-employee scale. Today’s professionals are much more likely to hop around to a few different companies or employers during the span of a career.
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We find there are a number of reasons for changing or quitting jobs, even in the midst of an ongoing economic recovery. Here are five reasons it may be time for you to start looking for a new job.
1. You’re stifled in your current position.
Sometimes no matter how great a company is, there is no room to grow. Perhaps you have reached the highest level your organization allows. If you are in your thirties or forties with 10 or 20+ years left before retirement, the last thing you want to do is remain with an employer who does not allow for professional growth. If you are feeling stifled in the way of motivation, creativity, etc., it is time to start looking for a new job.
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2. Your role is not being respected.
Unfortunately, this occurs for many professionals in a variety of positions. One such example is in the profession of human resources. Companies are notorious for underestimating the importance of their human resources staff. If you find yourself being overlooked or not included in important decisions and meetings, this could be a sign your manager or company does not respect the role your position plays in the business. It’s time to start looking for a company that values you. Start searching for a new job (off the clock, of course!).
3. Your skills are not being utilized in the best way.

Every professional has aspects of his or her job they do not enjoy or that are tedious. However, if you find yourself spending more time on the tedious aspects of your job, and less in the aspects that use your specific skill set, it may be time to do some rearranging. While this is not always a sign that a new job search is on the horizon, it at least requires a talk with management. Try to find a way to delegate the more tedious responsibilities so you can take part in the aspects of your job that use your skills. If these changes are not made after you have brought attention to the issue, it may be time to look for a new job.
4. You are having manager or colleague difficulties.

Working with people who operate differently than we do is just part of life. However, if you find yourself constantly running into communication issues and disagreements that make getting your work done difficult, even after trying to address these issues with HR, it may be time to make some changes in employment. If you are constantly at your wits end with your colleagues and different methods of trying to remedy the problem have not worked, it is in your best interest to begin looking for a new job.
5. Your health is suffering.
Stress is a part of life. It comes with the territory of working. But if you are so stressed at work that you are suffering adverse health effects, this is a sign that continued employment with your company may not be worth it. The Mayo Clinic lists the signs of stress to see if you any of these correlate with how you are feeling. Of course, it is always advisable to check with your doctor. If you are experiencing these symptoms of stress from work, it may be sign that a new job, either within your current company or at a new place of employment, would be in your best interest.
Most of us need to work in order to survive. This is a given. Nevertheless, if your current position is meeting any of the criteria listed above, these are signs that a new job may be in order. You are not obligated to stay with a company that is no longer serving you or your professional needs. It is also better to begin recognizing the signs it is time to leave, rather than burn out and even begin to resent your employer.
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