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Two advisors work on creating a financial advisor lead magnet.

How Financial Advisors Can Create a Lead Magnet

If you’re looking for ideas on how to grow your email list and get more prospective clients into your advisor sales funnel, a solid lead magnet could be the missing piece of the puzzle. Lead magnets are an excellent way to encourage engagement and collect prospects’ contact information. And creating a financial advisor lead magnet… read more…

An advisor works on a financial advisor first meeting script.
Client Acquisition

Financial Advisor First Meeting Script Example

Your first meeting with a prospective client can set the tone for your relationship moving forward. It’s important to make a good impression and ask the right questions so you understand the prospect’s needs, concerns and goals. Developing a financial advisor first meeting script can ensure that the conversation stays on track and flows smoothly.… read more…

A financial advisor meets with new clients, having succeeded in converting prospects to clients.
Client Acquisition

How Financial Advisors Can Convert Prospects to Clients

Lead generation is integral to growing a thriving practice, but converting prospects to clients isn’t always a given. Successful advisors understand that getting a potential client’s attention is only the first step, and closing the deal takes much more than that. It’s necessary to have an effective conversion strategy to expand your book of business.… read more…

If your retirement fund can support it, here are 10 reasons to retire early.
Retirement Planning

10 Reasons You May Want to Retire Early

Picking the right time to retire is one of the most important parts of the equation, second only to building the right savings plan. Leave work too early, and you could outrun your savings; wait too long, and you could outwork your good health. Part of this decision is what “early” means to you. Will… read more…

Editor's Picks

A couple determining whether they need a CFA vs. CFP®.
Certifications & Licenses

CFA vs. CFP®: Which Do You Need?

Chartered financial analyst (CFA) and certified financial planner (CFP) are common certifications for individuals working in finance, namely financial advisors. These are designed to tell a client (or employer) that the holder has received education in certain types of financial… read more…

Wealth Management Firm

5 Tips for Choosing a Wealth Management Firm

Wealth management firms are all different, with their own specializations and services. As a result, the process for choosing a wealth manager is a very personal one. Wealth managers work closely together with their clients to identify financial goals and… read more…

A fee-only financial planner doesn't earn commissions for recommending certain products.
Advisor Fees & Costs

What Is a Fee-Only Financial Planner?

If a financial planner, financial advisor or another type of financial professional is fee-only, that means they receive compensation solely from the fees clients pay for their services. They do not earn commissions for recommending certain products. A fee-only structure… read more…

Investment Property
Real Estate Investing

Why First Homes Could Be Investment Properties

If you’re young and looking to purchase a new home to live in, you may want to consider turning it into an investment property. While most people wait until after they’ve bought their first or second home to begin investing in… read more…

Data Articles and Studies


Incomes Needed to Be a Top 1% Earner Reach Over $1 Million in Some States – 2024 Study

The U.S. median income is around $75,000, with half of Americans earning less than that. High-income earners, on the other hand, can make 10 times that – or more. And this top 1% also makes up a disproportionately large part of the tax base, with their incomes generally putting them in the highest federal tax… read more…

Demographics & Migration

Where Millennials Are Buying the Most Homes – 2024 Study

Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, have positioned themselves as the largest cohort of homebuyers, outpacing both Baby Boomers and Gen Z. While many are purchasing homes to start or grow families, others are building equity or simply escaping rising rental costs. But the leap to buying a home can be easier or harder depending… read more…

Quality of Life

Most Livable Small Cities – 2024 Study

Small cities may offer cost benefits for residents looking to stretch their income while enjoying a comfortable – and more spacious – lifestyle. While livability is a subjective concept that may take on different definitions for different people, some elements of a community can come close to being universally beneficial. Housing affordability, the spread of… read more…

Financial Advisors

Financial Advisors in These States Saw the Biggest Pay Jumps – 2024 Study

Like other professions, financial advisors are affected by many factors, including location, income, client preferences and specific market characteristics. So, where an advisor earns the most can change over time, and even more so as technology allows them to work remotely with a greater number of clients in different markets. With this in mind, SmartAsset… read more…

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