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How to Report 401(k) and IRA Rollovers on Your Taxes


Understanding the ins and outs of 401(k) and IRA rollovers isn’t a walk in the park. The maze of tax implications surrounding these rollovers might seem intimidating to many. However, deciphering the process of reporting these rollovers on your taxes is critical to maintaining the tax-deferred status of your retirement savings and steering clear of penalties. Whisk your worries away as this article guides you step-by-step through the process of correctly reporting your 401(k) and IRA rollovers on your taxes, but it’s still a good idea to consult an experienced financial advisor.

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Understanding 401(k) Rollovers

A 401(k) rollover is like a retirement savings suitcase – it carries your assets from one 401(k) plan to another or to an individual retirement account (IRA). The process makes changing jobs or retiring less taxing (pun intended), letting you maintain the tax benefits associated with these funds. 

People opt for 401(k) rollovers whenever they change jobs or retire. They aim to preserve the tax-deferred status of their retirement savings, consolidate multiple retirement accounts for easier management or access a wider range of investment options. By rolling over your 401(k), you can continue to defer taxes on your retirement savings to maximize your retirement assets’ growth potential. However, the effect on your savings would depend on individual financial circumstances.

Types of Rollovers

There are two primary types of rollovers, used to move retirement savings from one tax-advantaged account to another: direct and indirect. A direct rollover essentially moves the funds from one retirement account directly into another. An indirect rollover gives you the money for your account and requires you to deposit the full amount of those funds into the new account within 60 days. So, the main difference is that you never possess the funds in a direct rollover.

How to Correctly Report Your Rollover

A couple doing their taxes and trying to calculate the impact of their 401(k) to IRA rollover

Reporting a rollover on your tax return can be complicated but it is pretty straightforward if you understand how it works. It involves documenting the distribution and rollover on IRS Form 1040. If executed correctly, a rollover could potentially prevent additional tax liabilities. Here’s a simple three-step guide:

  1. Report the total distribution from an old retirement account on line 4a of Form 1040 and a distribution from an old 401(k) on line 5a. You’ll find the information you need to do this on the Form 1099-R you receive from the old retirement account.
  2. Document the taxable amount of the distribution on line 4b or 5b, depending on whether you rolled over an IRA or a 401(k) account. This amount is typically zero if a direct rollover was completed or the entirety of an indirect rollover was rolled over within the 60-day window.
  3. Keep in mind the 60-day rollover rule for indirect rollovers. Any amount not deposited into a new retirement account within 60 days is considered taxable income and should be reported on line 4b.

Note that if there were any federal or state taxes withheld from the old retirement account amount, those need to be reported as well. Federal withholding taxes get reported on Form 1040 line 25b. If you’re itemizing deductions, the state withholding taxes would go on Schedule A of your 1040.

And remember, a financial advisor can be your guiding light in this process, helping you understand the nuances of IRS Form 1040 while ensuring the rollovers are reported correctly.

How Long Do You Have to Report the Rollover?

Knowing when to report a rollover is just as crucial as knowing how to do it. Timing is everything when it comes to reporting your rollovers on your tax return. You’re required to report the rollover by the due date, including any extensions, for the tax return in the year the distribution occurred. A delay might lead to the IRS treating the distribution as taxable income, which could increase your tax liability and introduce early withdrawal penalties.

What Is the 60Day Rollover Rule?

The 60-Day Rollover Rule is the time you have to invest the funds you received from your old retirement account in an indirect rollover. Miss this deadline and the IRS considers the distributed funds as taxable income. In addition, the full amount of the rollover must be contributed to the new retirement account, even if there were taxes withheld when you got the distribution, which commonly occurs. Remember, implementing this rule correctly could be a significant game-changer for your retirement savings.

Bottom Line

A couple excited for retirement after correctly rolling over their retirement account and calculating their taxes.

Navigating the complexities of reporting 401(k) and IRA rollovers isn’t the easiest of feats, but understanding the process and taking appropriate steps can potentially maintain the tax-deferred status of your savings and keep unnecessary taxes and penalties at bay. These steps, much like keys on a keychain, include reporting rollovers in the year they occurred, understanding the distinction between direct and indirect rollovers and adhering to the 60-Day Rollover Rule. Contact a financial advisor to make sure everything – from initiating the rollover itself to the tax reporting – gets done correctly. Doing so could Tread through this process with caution and you could potentially protect and maximize your retirement savings

Tips for Tax Planning

  • Investing is hard enough without having to figure out how to deal with the tax complications of your returns or rollovers. That’s where a financial advisor that specializes in tax planning can help. Finding a financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now
  • You can use a tax income calculator to help you see what your potential tax obligation is going to be, if you know the potential tax consequences of your investment choices. 

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