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How a Power of Attorney Works in Colorado


Power of attorney is a legal tool that allows individuals to appoint trusted agents to manage their affairs, make decisions, and sign documents on their behalf. In Colorado, there are several types of powers of attorney available, each designed to serve specific purposes and handle different situations, such as managing financial matters, healthcare decisions, or legal affairs.

A financial advisor can also answer any questions and help you make smart decisions for your specific situation.

How to Draft a Power of Attorney in Colorado

Drafting a power of attorney in Colorado requires careful consideration to ensure that the document is legally valid. The first step is to determine the type of power of attorney that best suits your needs. In Colorado, there are several options to choose from, including:

  • General power of attorney: This type grants broad decision-making authority to the agent in various areas, such as financial transactions and property management.
  • Limited power of attorney: This type of power of attorney is more restricted and grants authority to the agent for specific tasks or transactions, such as selling a particular property or managing a bank account.
  • Durable power of attorney: A durable power of attorney remains in effect even if the principal becomes incapacitated, ensuring that the agent can continue to make decisions on their behalf.
  • Medical power of attorney: A medical power of attorney grants authority to the agent to make healthcare decisions on behalf of the principal if they are unable to do so themselves.
A man reviews how a power of attorney works in Colorado.

Once you have identified the appropriate type of power of attorney, gather all the necessary information to draft the document, including: 

  • The full legal names, addresses and contact information of both the principal (the person granting the authority) and the agent (the person receiving the authority).
  • Clear and detailed description of the powers being granted to the agent, specifying any limitations or instructions that may apply.
  • Other important details such as the duration of the power of attorney, if applicable, and the principal’s Social Security number and relationship to the agent.

To draft a power of attorney in Colorado, you have the option of using a template to get a power of attorney form online, or seeking the assistance of a qualified attorney. 

When searching for a template, it’s important to ensure that the template is state-specific and complies with the Colorado Uniform Power of Attorney Act

If your situation is complex or if you have any doubts about the process, you could consult with an attorney to ensure that the power of attorney is tailored to your unique needs and complies with Colorado law.

Key Considerations for Using Power of Attorney in Colorado

There are a few things to keep in mind regarding how power of attorney works in Colorado. 

In Colorado, the principal must sign the document in the presence of a notary public, who will verify the principal’s identity, confirm that the principal is signing willingly and under no duress, and then notarize the power of attorney.

The principal must possess the necessary mental capacity to comprehend the nature and consequences of the document at the time of signing. The agent, however, is not required to sign the power of attorney in Colorado.

Once the document is properly executed and notarized, it is recommended to distribute copies to the agent and any relevant third parties, such as banks or healthcare providers, to ensure that the agent can effectively carry out their duties when needed.

Failing to properly notarize a power of attorney in Colorado may render the document invalid. This could lead to legal challenges if the agent attempts to act on behalf of the principal using the non-notarized document.

Bottom Line

A husband and wife reviewing their power of attorney documentation in Colorado.

A power of attorney is a legal tool in Colorado that allows individuals to ensure that their affairs are managed according to their wishes, even in situations where they may be unable to make decisions for themselves. To be valid in Colorado, a power of attorney must be notarized and the principal signing the power of attorney must be of sound mind.

Tips for Using Power of Attorney

  • Finding a financial advisor doesn’t have to be hard. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
  • Depending on your situation, you might want to consider a trust versus power of attorney. In that case, it can also be helpful to consider the different types of trusts.

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