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Thierry Godard

Thierry Godard is former Editor at SmartAsset who writes on a variety of personal finance issues. He is an expert on topics including home buying, saving money and budgeting. Thierry has a degree in Journalism from CUNY Baruch College.

Posts by Thierry Godard

The Economics of Electronic Dance Music Festivals

The Economics of Electronic Dance Music Festivals

DJ Shadow stated in late 2012 that “we are living in a musical renaissance.” In that same year, the genre commonly known as electronic dance music was valued at an estimated $4 billion worldwide. 2012 also saw the establishment of The Association For… read more…

Credit Score

How Much Does Bad Credit Really Cost You?

Imagine there is a knock on your front door and when you answer a complete stranger says I want $3.23 and I’ll be back again tomorrow for another $3.23 and the day after that, in fact I’ll be back every day for the next 5 years for my $3.23. You would probably slam the door… read more…

The SmartAsset Guide to Mortgage Rate Sheets
Mortgage Basics

The SmartAsset Guide to Mortgage Rate Sheets

Mortgage rate sheets can look intimidating and ominous, not only to consumers, but to mortgage professionals as well. In today’s market, mortgage rates not only change daily, but are based on many factors specific to the individual borrower and loan. Knowing how to read a mortgage rate sheet gives you a valuable tool as you… read more…

SmartAsset: 10 Tips for Secure Online Transactions
Credit Score

10 Tips for Secure Online Transactions

Shopping and banking online occur constantly in the Internet marketplace. Unfortunately, online fraud and identify theft occurs just as frequently, thanks to clever thieves and sloppy consumer Internet shopping habits. Online transactions always carry some risk, but consumers can do… read more…

When is the Right Time to Teach Kids about Credit Card Debt?
Credit Score

When is the Right Time to Teach Kids about Credit Card Debt?

Once upon a time there was a young man who was working full time while also going to school. He was making good money for a kid that age, and although he was paying his own way through school, he still had plenty of excess income to have fun on the weekends. When he started… read more…

The Benefits of Delaying Social Security
Social Security

The Benefits of Delaying Social Security

Have you thought about what type of lifestyle you want to have during retirement? It’s time to start thinking about it, and what type of financial decisions need to be made to help you lead the life you want while… read more…

12 Affordable Ways to Have Fun on a Tight Entertainment Budget
Personal Finance

12 Affordable Ways to Have Fun on a Tight Budget

Having fun on a tight budget can be tough especially if you live in a big city or anywhere where a lot of traveling is required. However, we found 12 ways anyone – families, friends, couples, or singles – can… read more…

Everything You Need to Know About Advisor-Sold 529 Plans

Everything You Need to Know About Advisor-Sold 529 Plans

According to financial calculators on, the tuition for a public 4-year college when a child born this year enrolls, will cost well over $50,000 a year. Even in this financial environment, it is not only possible, but extremely helpful… read more…

man drinking a cup of coffee - The 5 Best Cheap Coffee Brands

5 Cheap Coffee Brands

Your morning cup of coffee is no joke. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. A good cup can keep you energized, alert, and positive all morning, while a bad (expensive) cup can make you as grouchy… read more…

Man using calculator - How Rising Interest Rates Impact Buying vs Renting
Home Buying

How Rising Interest Rates Impact Buying vs Renting

Over the last month, mortgage interest rates have risen half of a percentage point for most lenders. Forecasters expect the trend to continue. It is highly possible that the record rates seen this spring (below 3.5% for 30 year fixed… read more…

Does Debt Affect Mental Health?
Credit Score

Does Debt Affect Mental Health?

It’s clear that debt can impact your credit score. There are few things that cause more stress than the looming specter of debt.  Even when you are meeting monthly payments and staying afloat, that silent ball and chain still drags behind you, clinking now and then to remind you that you are not really free.… read more…

The Economics of the American Prison System

The Economics of the American Prison System

The American prison system is massive. So massive that its estimated turnover of $74 billion eclipses the GDP of 133 nations. What is perhaps most unsettling about this fun fact is that it is the American taxpayer who foots the bill… read more…

The Economics of Craft Beer
Credit Cards

The Economics of Craft Beer

Craft brewing, or more specifically home brewed craft beer has long been associated with beer nerds. You know, the kinds of people who spend a little too much time coiffing their mustaches, and breaking down the finer points of hops.… read more…

savings bonds
Income Investing

What to Do When You Find a Savings Bond

Sometimes parents and other relatives discover savings bonds they bought when they were a child but then forgot about, or find bonds that were purchased for their kids many years ago. The good news is that savings bonds gain value… read more…

SmartAsset: 5 Types of Property Ownership
Mortgage Basics

5 Types of Property Ownership

Purchasing a home or other large asset can be the thrill of a lifetime. Sometimes in the flurry of activity, there are decisions made that could come back to haunt you. No, this isn’t buyer’s remorse. Well, not the kind… read more…

Don’t become a Victim of Debt Settlement Company Fraud
Credit Score

Don’t become a Victim of Debt Settlement Company Fraud

It is a sad day when a debt settlement company is charged with the same type of fraud perpetrated by the creditors with whom they are pledging to define agreements with. This is exactly what happened recently when the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau filed a civil suit against Mission Settlement Agency, a debt settlement company… read more…

How Do Un-Activated Credit Cards Impact My Credit Score?
Credit Score

How do Un-Activated Credit Cards Impact my Credit Score?

Have you ever filled out a credit card application at a booth because of what they were giving away? Maybe it was a T-shirt or a coupon? Perhaps it was an entry in a raffle to win a car? Chances are, you received the card, but never even opened the envelope. You would think that… read more…

The Busy Family: 5 Tips for Managing Households on the Go
Personal Finance

The Busy Family: 5 Tips for Managing Households on the Go

It’s hard to keep a family organized. Who am I kidding – it’s tough to keep yourself organized at times. Imagine trying to keep a household together with kids who are involved in activities and sports, working full time and… read more…

economics of yoga

The Economics of Yoga

Despite all of its traditions and connections to spirituality, yoga is a very physical activity that can produce fantastic results. Prolonged and consistent practice of yoga has proven to increase muscle mass and flexibility. Similar to anything else that can produce tangible results, a very large and lucrative industry has sprung up to feed the… read more…

Growing Number of People Can’t Afford to Buy or Rent

Growing Number of Americans Can’t Afford to Buy or Rent

More households than ever spend over half their income on housing. Rental housing costs increased by six percent from 2008 to 2011, while renters’ incomes dropped by over three percent during the same time. Financial experts recommend spending less than 30… read more…

Economics Of: The Formula One Grand Prix of Monaco

The Economics of The Formula One Grand Prix of Monaco

The Formula One Grand Prix of Monaco is one of the world’s most expensive and glamorous events. It is the one race on the Formula One calendar that epitomizes the excessive splendor of the sport. For one weekend in May the world’s… read more…

The 5 Best Balance Transfer Credit Cards
Credit Score

The Best Balance Transfer Credit Cards

Editorial Note: This content is not provided by the credit card issuer. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by the issuer. Advertiser Disclosure: The card offers that appear on this site are from companies from which… read more…

Risk and Reward in High Yield Investing
Income Investing

Risk and Reward in High-Yield Investing

Investing in high yield bonds can be a great way to increase your returns, but they inherently come with a greater degree of risk. Many financial advisers automatically steer their clients away from this arena, unwilling to put their reputation behind riskier assets. But that doesn’t mean you should necessarily stay away. Just understand and know what you are… read more…

Managing Your Finances During Military Deployment
Credit Score

Managing Your Finances During Military Deployment

Managing finances can be tricky for anyone, but doing so tends to be particularly tricky for service members. Members of the armed forces and their families can receive a number of financial benefits during deployment. However, these benefits often vary depending on a service member’s location. Find out now about VA loan limits. While these benefits may… read more…

Credit Score

Quick and Dirty Credit Repair

The old saying “don’t fix it if it ain’t broke” was not created with your credit score in mind. Unless you have perfect credit (which you probably don’t), your credit score can always be improved. Why? Because everything related to your personal finances revolves around these three little numbers. Get your free credit score How… read more…