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Harry Campbell

Harry Campbell is an aerospace engineer by day and personal finance blogger by night. He runs his own personal finance blog at Your PF Pro and is a freelance writer. Harry's expertise includes retirement, credit cards, home buying, higher education and side hustles like ridesharing. His work has been featured on Zillow, Credit Karma and Harry currently resides in Newport Beach, CA and enjoys biking and playing beach volleyball in his spare time.

Posts by Harry Campbell

Who Do HSAs Make Sense For?
Health Insurance

Who Do HSAs Make Sense For?

Your employer may offer a health savings account (HSA) as a way to keep medical expenses down. Employers generally subsidize a majority of the cost so the premium you pay via payroll deduction isn’t even close to the full amount. While HSAs… read more…

Don't Forget About Life Expectancy When Planning For Retirement
Retirement Planning

Don’t Forget About Life Expectancy When Planning For Retirement

There’s a lot of variability when it comes to planning for retirement. If you’re a 20, 30 or even 40-something plugging away at your day job, you’ve probably entered your information into a retirement calculator once or twice just to see what came up. It’s always fun to think about retirement no matter how far away… read more…

Top 5 Reasons to Have an Emergency Fund
Checking Account

Top 5 Reasons to Have an Emergency Fund

You’ve probably heard of an emergency fund, but do you have one?  Most of the financially savvy people in this world have gotten good at budgeting for the every day predictable expenses.  But what about the leaky roof that finally… read more…

3 Things That Won't Affect Your Credit Score
Credit Score

3 Things That Won’t Affect Your Credit Score

With all the talk about hurting or helping your credit score these days, there are probably a lot of confused consumers out there.  Most credit monitoring companies try to portray your credit as a mythical entity but managing your credit doesn’t have to be a mystery. Check out our budget calculator. There are lots of… read more…

7 Signs You Are a Renter for Life

7 Signs You Are a Renter for Life

We’ve all heard that owning a home is the American dream, but boy has that dream gotten expensive.  Real estate is making a furious comeback after the recent housing collapse and prices are up 20-50% in most major markets across… read more…

Should You Be Mortgage Free When You Retire?
Retirement Planning

Should You Be Mortgage Free When You Retire?

When you sign the dotted line on that 30-year mortgage, you’re probably thinking how great it will be to have that house paid off right around the time you retire.  But most people don’t live in the same house for 30 years like they used to.  Plus some choose to take on second mortgages through… read more…

Does Becoming an Authorized User Help Your Credit?
Credit Cards

Does Becoming an Authorized User Help Your Credit?

Whether you like it or not, credit is important and it’s here to stay.  Most of us know that you need good credit when applying for loans or apartments. But even employers are starting to check potential employee’s credit history these days.  If you’re stuck with bad credit, there usually isn’t a lot you can… read more…

Do Credit Cards With Annual Fees Make Sense?
Credit Score

Do Credit Cards With Annual Fees Make Sense?

There are so many credit cards to choose from. It can be overwhelming picking between travel rewards, cash back options, and interest rates. But it’s just confusing to hear that some are free and other credit cards come with an annual fee. Does it make sense to pay for the privilege of using a specific… read more…

What to Look For in a Credit Card
Credit Cards

What to Look For in a Credit Card

It’s a simple fact in today’s world: if you want to establish credit, you have to use credit. Not everyone realizes that until it’s too late though. You can probably get by paying for most major purchases with cash but what about when you want to buy your first house? That’s why it’s actually a… read more…

Why a Diamond Engagement Ring Is Not a Good Investment
Credit Cards

Why a Diamond Engagement Ring Is Not a Good Investment

Although people’s obsession with gold goes back hundreds or even thousands of years, diamonds are a relatively new one. Like any other gem stone, diamonds are valuable because they are rare and in high demand. Without the demand though, they… read more…

what's the point
Credit Score

What’s The Point of a Great Credit Score if You Never Use it?

These days it seems like you need a good credit score for just about everything.  Whether you want to buy a new car, apply for an apartment or even get a job, they all want to know what your credit score looks like.  It’s obviously important to maintain a good credit score but at a… read more…