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Brian O'Connell

Posts by Brian O'Connell

Inheriting an IRA: What Taxes Do I Need to Pay?
Retirement Taxes

Tax Considerations for Inheriting an IRA

Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) first came along in the mid-1970s. This means that the first Americans to make use of these retirement savings vehicles throughout their careers are now headed into their golden years. And consequently, more and more individuals… read more…

How to Buy Rental Property
Real Estate

How to Buy Rental Property

Whether it’s a small home or apartment or, at the higher end, a multi-family home or apartment building, you can generate robust and reliable income from a rental property. Based on 1986-2014 data from UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, single-family rental… read more…

Open a Brokerage Account

How to Open a Brokerage Account

Buying stocks, bonds and other investments through a brokerage firm is cheaper and easier than ever. Deals abound, as discount brokers charge zero fees for many types of trades. In many cases, opening a brokerage account with one of these… read more…

How to Invest in a Hedge Fund
How to Invest

How to Invest in a Hedge Fund

Hedge funds are more loosely regulated than traditional mutual funds and tend to invest in different types of securities. This can mean higher returns, but it can also mean higher fees and a greater risk of loss, as we’ve seen over the past… read more…