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Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors to Try


Marketing techniques for financial advisors can enhance their visibility and client base. To stay competitive in today’s digital landscape, financial advisors should explore strategies such as social media marketing, content creation and email campaigns. Financial advisors often find that various marketing campaigns will overlap or enhance each other. By leveraging these marketing techniques, financial advisors can effectively reach a broader audience and establish a strong presence online and in a specific community.

Are you looking to expand the marketing of your financial advisor practice? Try SmartAsset AMP, a holistic client prospecting and marketing automation platform.

Digital Marketing Techniques

Marketing strategies for financial advisors have evolved significantly, especially with the advent of digital marketing. Leveraging various digital marketing techniques is essential for financial advisors who want to reach and engage with their target audience more efficiently. Here are three general techniques to consider:


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a fundamental digital marketing technique for financial advisors. By optimizing their website with relevant keywords like “financial planning” and “investment advice,” advisors can increase their visibility on search engines. High-quality content that addresses clients’ needs and incorporates these keywords naturally will help improve search engine rankings, making it easier for potential clients to find their services.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is another digital marketing option. Financial advisors can use platforms like Google Ads to create targeted advertisements that appear when potential clients search for related services. By bidding on specific keywords, advisors can get their ads shown to a relevant audience and drive immediate traffic to their website. This method provides a measurable return on investment, allowing advisors to adjust their strategies based on performance data.

Social Media

Social media marketing offers a dynamic way to engage with potential clients. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter allow financial advisors to share insights, updates and client testimonials. Four in 10 financial advisors surveyed for Broadridge’s 2024 Financial Advisor Marketing Trends Report said they’ve converted a social media lead into a client. The same study found that LinkedIn and Facebook have the highest conversion rates for financial advisors.

Regularly posting valuable content on an advisor’s social media platforms helps build a strong online presence and fosters trust with followers. Additionally, social media ads can be tailored to specific demographics, ensuring that target audiences can see an advisor’s message.

Content Marketing Techniques

A financial advisor smiles as he takes notes on his firm's marketing strategy.

Content marketing offers financial advisors a strategic way to attract and retain clients by creating valuable, relevant content. It helps establish authority, build trust, and engage with potential clients on a deeper level.

There are many ways to incorporate content marketing into your overall marketing strategy. Here are seven common approaches:

  • Blog posts: Writing informative blog posts is a cornerstone of content marketing. Financial advisors can share insights on various financial topics, such as retirement planning, investment strategies or tax-saving tips.
  • Educational webinars: These online sessions can cover complex financial subjects in a more digestible format, allowing participants to interact and ask questions in real-time. Webinars help build a personal connection and showcase your knowledge.
  • White papers and e-books: Creating detailed white papers and e-books on specific financial topics can attract clients looking for in-depth information. These long-form content pieces allow you to delve deeper into subjects, providing comprehensive insights that can help potential clients understand complex issues better.
  • Case studies: Sharing case studies of successful client stories can illustrate the tangible benefits of your services. These narratives provide real-world examples of how your advice and strategies have helped others achieve their financial goals, which can resonate with prospective clients.
  • Videos: Videos can simplify complex information, making it more accessible and engaging. Whether it’s a quick tip, a detailed explanation or an interview with an expert, videos can dramatically enhance your content marketing efforts.
  • Podcasts: Podcasts allow you to share your expertise, interview industry leaders, and discuss financial topics in a more conversational and engaging format. They can be easily accessed by listeners on the go, expanding your reach.
  • Infographics: Infographics simplify complex information and make it more appealing and easier to understand. They can be shared across various platforms, increasing your content’s visibility and engagement.

Email Marketing Techniques

Email marketing is an important component of a financial advisor’s overall marketing strategy, offering a direct and personalized way to communicate with clients and prospects. It complements content marketing efforts by providing a channel to distribute valuable information and nurture relationships over time.

Advisors who may not have the time or knowledge to build an effective email marketing campaign can outsource these efforts with services like SmartAsset AMP. Advisors can use this holistic marketing service for client lead generation and automated marketing.

Here are four email marketing techniques to keep in mind:

  • Newsletter. Email newsletters allow financial advisors to maintain regular contact with clients and prospects. By sharing relevant market insights, financial tips and company news, advisors can demonstrate their expertise and keep their audience informed. Personalized content that addresses the specific needs and interests of recipients can enhance engagement and build trust.
  • Drip campaigns. Drip campaigns can also help advisors nurture leads by sending a series of automated emails based on a subscriber’s actions or interests. For financial advisors, this might include a welcome series for new subscribers, educational content tailored to different stages of the financial planning process, or reminders about upcoming events. Drip campaigns help maintain consistent communication, guiding prospects through their decision-making journey.
  • Client segmentation. Segmenting your email list allows you to send more relevant messages to different groups within your audience. Financial advisors can categorize clients based on criteria such as age, investment goals or engagement level. Tailored emails that speak directly to the specific needs of each segment can improve open rates and foster stronger client relationships.
  • Automated follow-ups. Automated follow-up emails can allow you to maintain timely communication without the need for manual intervention. Financial advisors can use this technique to send reminders about scheduled meetings, follow up on inquiries or provide additional resources after a consultation.

Local Marketing Techniques

A pair of financial advisors review their firm's marketing proposal before going into a meeting.

Local marketing can also play a role in a financial advisor’s overall marketing strategy. It focuses on building a presence within the local community and creating personal connections that can lead to long-term client relationships. By targeting a specific geographic area, financial advisors can more effectively reach potential clients who are likely to need their services.

Attending and hosting local networking events is a powerful way for financial advisors to connect with potential clients and other professionals. These events provide opportunities to share expertise, offer financial planning insights, and build a reputation as a knowledgeable and approachable advisor. By engaging in local business groups or chambers of commerce, advisors can enhance their visibility and credibility within the community.

Active participation in community activities and sponsorships can also boost a financial advisor’s local presence. Supporting local charities, sponsoring events, or volunteering can demonstrate a commitment to the community, which can resonate with potential clients.

Bottom Line

To stay competitive in today’s digital landscape, financial advisors should explore strategies such as social media marketing, content creation and community-focused marketing. Financial advisors often find that various marketing campaigns will overlap or rely on each other. By leveraging these techniques, financial advisors can effectively reach a broader audience and establish a strong presence online and in their specific communities.

Growth Tips for Financial Advisor

  • Adding high-net-worth individuals to your client list can help you scale your firm’s assets under management and supercharge growth. Here are eight strategies for attracting high-net-worth clients.
  • If you don’t have the time or skills to market your business and generate new leads, consider outsourcing these duties. SmartAsset AMP (Advisor Marketing Platform) is a holistic marketing service financial advisors can use for client lead generation and automated marketing. Sign up for a free demo to explore how SmartAsset AMP can help you expand your practice’s marketing operation. Get started today.

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