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How Financial Advisors Can Automate Their Marketing


In today’s fast-paced financial advisory landscape, marketing automation is transforming how advisors operate, enhancing client engagement and maximizing growth. Integrating marketing automation into your practice can help you see a considerable reduction in labor and time costs, as well as impressive increases in lead generation and conversion rates. It can also help you automate marketing activities that deliver over and over again.

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What Automated Marketing Can Do for Financial Advisors

Automated marketing can help financial advisors leverage technology and software to streamline and execute different tasks. These can include client communication and relationship-building campaigns with minimal manual intervention.

Automation can also help you take charge of repetitive tasks like sending specific types of emails such as newsletters, reminders or follow-ups, and scheduling social media posts. In this sense, automation is akin to a tireless virtual assistant that can help take care of repetitive marketing tasks, track and analyze client data and tailor marketing content based on client behavior.

Both large and small firms use marketing automation to deliver personalized content to clients that is based on their investment behavior. And these tools can make it possible for smaller firms to compete with bigger ones at a reasonable price.

Types of Marketing Automation Tools

A financial advisor explains to clients how automated marketing will allow him to serve them efficiently.

Marketing automation tools come in all shapes and sizes, each with its unique functionalities. To deliver their campaign effectively, financial advisors might consider tools that offer specific features. Here are some examples of the most popular types of marketing automation tools.

  • Automated lead generation: Gaining leads through a provider can help you find a consistent flow of potential clients. SmartAsset AMP is an end-to-end marketing platform that delivers client leads, but it’s also so much more. You can automate your email nurture campaigns, personalize automated text contacts and even be connected with live client leads.
  • Email marketing: Email marketing automation tools can feature email templates, scheduling capabilities and analytics.
  • Social media management: When it comes to managing your firm’s social media presence, look for tools that offer robust scheduling capabilities, social media activity monitoring and performance analysis across multiple platforms.
  • Sales management: CRM automation tools should provide contact management functions, task automation and analytics that enable advisors to manage client relationships efficiently and gain insights into client behavior and preferences.

If there is a marketing function that can be passed off to a virtual assistant or that you don’t need to do yourself, there is probably a tool for that.

Benefits of Marketing Automation

One of the key selling points of marketing automation is its efficiency and relationship-building potential. Taking care of routine tasks such as email communications can free up valuable time that advisors could invest in other strategic tasks, like strategy formulation and client relationship building.

Marketing automation can also help you deliver personalized content to clients that is based on the collection of specific data. This can allow you to tailor messaging for client financial goals and create other content based on individual preferences and behaviors.

Finally, marketing automation can help advisors track client behavior, measure campaign performance and collect insights that can help you develop effective marketing strategies. For example, email open rates and click-through rates, among other metrics, can guide you in taking a data-driven approach to client campaigns and thereby boost your effectiveness.

Bottom Line

Financial advisors discussing how they could automate marketing for their firm.

Marketing automation can help financial advisors streamline marketing activities, enhance client engagement, draw valuable insights and possibly increase revenue. With the right tools and strategies, marketing automation could help increase your reach and impact. You should carefully evaluate different tools, take expert advice and gradually integrate automation into your marketing activities.

Tips for Building Your Advisory Firm

  • SmartAsset AMP (Advisor Marketing Platform) is a holistic marketing service financial advisors can use for client lead generation and automated marketing. Sign up for a free demo to explore how SmartAsset AMP can help you expand your practice’s marketing operation. Get started today.
  • Another opportunity is to improve your flow of leads coming online. When developing your social media content and distribution strategy, it’s helpful to look at it through the lens of your ideal client. For instance, social media content or blog content that speaks to specific financial struggles, triggers emotion or sparks debate is typically more likely to grab a prospect’s attention.

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